Plagues & Flowers - Checkmate (Good wins)


amelia / litten arent svs
may is town litten is scum with tmi

scum vs scum

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scarred vengeful samurai


I have no idea what may alignment is and I told her this as I haven’t actually seen her talk much

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Litten is mean to me


have you tried nod being the general luka

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litten / may not svs
litten lean town
if litten was scum he fakes a god read no matter what mays allignment

/whisper @Amelia

I wanted to rand scum again >:C

have you played with lidden before

may / amelia +1 scum team
litten lock v
@litten arent I so twonie can you call me town

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I had them lock town d1 as scum
Every other agme I was scum

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have you looked ad his undertidle

I’ll call you town if you remember the demon plan

I have to go take a shower, cya guys later

im not
if I were I would

yes but theyre town

flashbacks get really bad this time of year
might be lucid less than normal

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