Plagues & Flowers - Checkmate (Good wins)

Can ya make? On phone


When ever your here

I’m always here.

except for those 9 minutes
/whisper Magnus

Or those six minutes.


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Aussie radio hour.


Feel like chatting?


I am at a lecture. As soon as I am done


Aussie radio hour. We havent had one of these in a while

I think we did it, like, twice.

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We did it a three times i think

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But i am not good at memory

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I was rewatching one of Grian’s series at the time and that’s where I got the radio idea from.

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I am terribly uncreative.

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There’s a new series out. I don’t even watch Minecraft videos anymore but I did for this.

Nah i will always watch a 3rd life series video

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The gimmick is that health only regenerates in specific ways, which might make the game more tedious? I’m not sure.
Or it could promote the broken turtle master strategy which I’m fine with.

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