Plagues & Flowers - Checkmate (Good wins)

Chat may flushed at me what do I do

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No nya

You’re completely and utterly fucked. Just roll over and die

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Passes out

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Litten has finally died forever, chat. He’s never getting out of this one

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But i wanted to talk to may…
/accept litten

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Get fucked beat you litten


That was an interesting conversation


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/whisper Hazardwaste


/whisper may and haxard
three idiots

Not Voting (12): Luka, IcetFeelsPain, Amelia, baker, nightingale, Mistyx, Jarek, Magnus, May, Litten, Hazardwaste, crazynuto

Crazynuto has nominated May
Mistyx has nominated Amelia
Amelia has nominated Mistyx

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I’m bored

/whisper @litten @hazardwaste

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