Plants Mountainous Poison - Day 8 (1/16) - Wolf Win

As I said, I don’t judge you by micro scale.

It’s your macro game plan which looks terrible on you.

this is not a scum windward post
it just isn’t
this is the analysis you were complaining that wasn’t there in windwards iso, when it actually is


this isn’t dota quit using dota terms

i’m back
@wazza i wanna talk when you pop back up


is this real cause if so i wanna talk about it

and also
marl who’re you scumreading atm

no its fake i like to make up reads for no reason

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I’m not complaining on lack of analysis.
I’m complainign on lack of willingness to progress the game. On lack of willingness to convince others.

Marl, read with understanding.

Wind’s reads are there to exist, not there to convince anyone.
That’s my point.

And they kind of admited to it already.

Point is more about “is Windward really just playing like this to find someone they can follow on”?

It’s ok we all know that nobody read that post

macroreads and microreads are definitely mafia terms right?
at least i use them in spirit and find them useful

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damn ok

marl is trying to bite but failing in this one

solic eevee wazza from yesterday
might have been wrong on brad, i’m really bad with ate
but the numbers stagnating on his wagon were extremely indicative of him being town, especially considering the driving force behind the eli counterwagon was me and there was a ton of resistance to it


And what, might I ask, is my macro game plan according to you?

it was sarcastic what did u want to talk about

no clue what this means
but yes

same it’s my weakness

how it seems like beancat just exists in a vacuum
it’s weird and idk what to make of it
it’s not just a typical low poster thing at least people like gorta and ivy have been points of discussion
i kinda have to remind myself bean exists and idk which way it’s AI if it even is
but i want it to be talked about

The difference between you and me is that I will always put my reads out there for other people to look at and reflect on for themselves

I don’t have to put out reads only when I want people to listen
I’m a loud player and I will sort my thoughts in the thread
Even if I’m not trying to rally people to sheep my reads, I want them to be able to follow my thought processes on how I ended up where I did

i saw why you think eevee is scum
what do you think town eevee would be doing here and why’s it different

Okay, is everyone udnerstanding what I mean when talking about general game aproach and motivations?

Cause it’s like 3rd time you are directing me to a reads progression post, and it’s not fitting at all.
Like this post is explaining theirs read in general way, sure.

But it is not aimed to convince anyone. It’s more of “yes, that’s my worldview, have fun”.

Same here fwiw
I’m going to go as far as to say that I don’t know what kind of a player she is, so I don’t really know if this is some sort of a strategy or if she’s just existing to exist

like i said beancat is a redditor thats their posting style
problem is redditors love arguing and attention so its weird they arent going for more of it and just making offhand comments and avoids getting involved
super cute and cuddly like a cat to a mouse

Are you actually thinking at all about what you’re saying or are you only pulling things without quotes to fit your agenda