Play at your own risk [?KRC]: Game Over - Town Victory

If this list is pure, then the game is easy. Though something tells me that’s a little too easy.

@Hazardwaste Could you quote the statement you got from Raphael for me

Awesome cool statements by Raph

Thread - “‘crazynuto’ selfvoting actively harms town”, veracity dependent on nuto’s alignment
CRichardFortressLies - “There is at least 1 non town player whose name doesn’t end with the letter E.” Only false if Hazard/Jake are the only remaining evils, and I doubt they’d be like, outed like that? Very bad feels. Likely true.
crazynuto - “The best information you are going to get for the remainder of this game is flips.” Liiiikely false, because Marluna’s submission can create arbitrary information; difficult to say is true with confidence, easy to say is false with confidence (if a powerful investigative still exists)
May - “Part of the compensation Coven received included a 1-shot fullcop.” Likely mutually exclusive with Gorta’s statement, as a fullcop + conversion would be A Lot, barring shenanigans.
@JakeTheWolfie - ???
@Magnus - ???
@guavagudetama - ???
@Zenon - ???
@Leafia - ???
@min - ???

Hazardwaste - “The current conversation is useless”, referring to conversion discussion; mutually exclusive with Gorta’s statement.
Gorta - “Someone has changed alignments or a person is capable of changing of alignments from the compensation given to town due to EoD2.” Mutually exclusive with Hazard’s statement.


Gorta and Hazard’s statements being mutually contradictory is something worth noting.

Basically means we can take them both out of the running and just look at the remaining 5/5.

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Adding some of my further thoughts, it’s reached my attention that Min and Jake have equity with each other. They’ve been passively nulltowning each other without much reason to it, and neither of them want it to be noticed.

Jake’s ISO is short and cursory. He doesn’t mention Min much except to say that they could be town opposite Nuto today (#3348), but he didn’t have a stated read on Nuto so I can’t judge whether Jake was going to push them down in order to elevate Min or if I’m seeing shadows.

Min’s read on Jake has shuffled a bit over the place. He nulltowned Jake for not much reason today (#3287), but also said Jake could be resolved and voted him. (#3288) (#3494).

Explaining their dynamic in our neighbourhoods, when I explained my thoughts on Jake coming across as off early on, Min was willing to agree that Jake claiming he “wanted to be 3p” was awkward, which wasn’t really my point but it was fine. Earlier today when I was criticising the information that Jake had received and was theorising about it being falsified, Min jumped to his defence and called it “not really AI”. They have equity with each other, at least.

our ruse has been esquileried.


Hmm maybe, though I feel that Arogame spewed Min as not on their team. Have you looked at Aro’s posts when they interacted with min?

I thought you leaked yourself as Goon this game before seeing that was for WW.


I think there would be bigger problems than the integrity breach if I’d somehow managed to rand Goon in this game.

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Rule 2.

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Min and Aro both randed mafia in WWFM2, and I don’t see this from their interactions this game. I suppose it’s possible I missed something, yet I don’t think min is coven from Aro spew.

Nobody considers that the forum mafia rules and guidelines don’t apply to me because I’m cute and also beacause I read them

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Hazard posted it earlier, one moment.
I received my statement immediately at daystart, and it verifies what Nuto said.
“Throughout today, I will tell six truths and six lies, to players.”

Didnt ask you now did I

What does this word mean? It’s not in any English Dictionary I’ve read.

I assume it’s a misspelling of “damn”.

“Actually May I meant the other word” Really bad misspelling

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I’ve looked at Aro’s interactions and I’ve heard May’s reasoning and I’ve already expressed my opinion on the matter. The slash is the main thing I agree with.

Read more dictionaries, nerd.