Play at your own risk [?KRC]: Game Over - Town Victory

When did Guava vote Min? One sec to look through their ISO.

Do you find me annoying? Because everyone else I know does.


your not annoying mate <3

if your annoying. i must be so horrible to be around.

You’re remarkably un-annoying. Honestly, almost to a fault. Not quite, though.

I am the person who walks into a room to interrupt a conversation without so much as a hello, to ask for their opinion on a matter that I have already made up my mind on.

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I am the person who walks into a room to say “LMAO balls room”, and then immediately follows it up with “Who said that. What was that noise.”

Yes, these were my first words in that neighbourhood.

In the entire game, even, I think.

Good morning. I’ll backread in case I missed anything interesting.

Hmm I found Zenon as town from Aro spew. Ok so from my perspective. Zenon/myself is town vs town, that means I should take a look at who was sidelining while we were both going at each other’s throats.

I saw May being voted on earlier. What’s the story behind that?

basically right after May said his poe

Magnus (1): Leafia
Min (1): guavagudetama

Not Voting (7): May, Hazardwaste, CRichardFortressLies, Magnus, crazynuto, Gorta, Min

Just so people know. imma be MIA for most of today cause i am going out with friends. (Ew real life) I will be back on in like 6ish 8ish hours to re read shit and do iso’s on the alive atm


Hmm ok. Though I don’t see any votes on May right now. Was that because it was FPS?

Magnus (1): Leafia
Min (1): guavagudetama

Not Voting (7): May, Hazardwaste, CRichardFortressLies, Magnus, crazynuto, Gorta, Min

Min when you turn up in thread again. I have things to ask about the you/May situation from earlier.

At least I can trust Min/May aren’t 2 coven I miscleared. So that’s nice.