Play at your own risk [?KRC]: Game Over - Town Victory

this literally cannot be pure btw i refuse to believe

leaning more towards nuto/hazard (nuto more) unless someone wants to explain to me why those both are super duper town and shouldn’t die

Min’s rt was really annoying.

I really believed ot was a real redcheck at first.

Magnus belongs in the PoE as well.

How about you vote Magnus with me and give that power to me?

Yeah. May and Min probably town.

Gorta is oozing towniness though and I refuse to believe he’d give me that barrier as a wolf.

Magnus, please stop making so much sense. I want to scumread you! UNVOTE

I need to think.

No idea.

Awww…I want to join the pebble gang now. Pebble me please!

I don’t find you annoying May. Try harder.

Except me.


How did Crazy and Magnus react to it? I forget.

The rbing part? That’s one possible effect of the fruit I give. One of five. I just wish I had given Zenon a fruit last night. Also, they’re devil fruit to be specific. The other 4 possible effects are

extra vote, disabled in xylo
Bulletproof vest
Bus driver

Probably due to my fruit. Sorry.

I gave him a fruit last night.

They’re the same post. Sorry. Couldn’t resist. Giggles

Would probably vote Crazy here too if I knew how many he has on him right now.

Not based on Mech. Based on mostly gut.

This is where I’m at too.

You might actually have something there. Zenon was Magnus’s main pusher besides me.

Yesterday was busy for me unfortunately.

Just checked the votecount. It’s safe to vote. VOTE: Crazy

Now to play some Hyrule Warriors: Definitive Edition on my Switch.

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crazynuto (3): Magnus, CRichardFortressLies, Leafia
Min (1): guavagudetama

Not Voting (5): May, Hazardwaste, crazynuto, Gorta, Min

turns out according to my schedule the old time would actually be easier for me to make now
this is a crime

sooo if you want to keep the old one tell me in your rolecards, since i dont want to just change it back and forth


Hi guys, I’m back

crazynuto (3): Magnus, CRichardFortressLies, Leafia
Min (1): guavagudetama

Not Voting (5): May, Hazardwaste, crazynuto, Gorta, Min

I slept longer than I need to

Are we at the phase of the game where the only discussion is on nuto?

At least for voting

I’m back at my pc


I don’t know much about nuto, but it is concerning that nuto instantely dismisses my d3 info because it conflicts someone elses

I bring this up because if my info is true we have a pretty big breach in said towncore, so saying it’s 100% false only helps wolves

if it’s dead I’ll be back when it’s alive

i hope this is right tbh

i mean like the game feels lower energy which could definitely indicate nuto being scum so i’m not too worried but at the same time yes i am

ngl if he flips purple at least i could easily grasp the rest of this game and hopefully win

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Oh dear. I mean it’s not right lol, but still I have outlived my usefulness :pray:

All I’ll say is min sus