Play at your own risk [?KRC]: Game Over - Town Victory

I can confirm I was vaguely thinking about signing up for a game on another site ahead of FAM before going “ehhh, too much work to find someplace new”. I am literally the demographic Arete is describing


Why aren’t you on Nerdcord?

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fwiw I will likely open a game a couple days into FAM so that the people who die early will have something to do


The dead can play their own Mafia game in the graveyard.

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No one is down

was gonna ask what in the world is nerdcord

That’s what we did in Popcorn mafia. Second, smaller Popcorn game. I believe I lost every single one I played.

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It’s like Breadcord but more active.



Way to speak for everyone.

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Would you like an invite?

You’re correct your not down you’re eliza


Might as well

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May, would you join?

I would

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Check matchmaking on Nerdcord. We have three potential victims and we only need six at a bare minimum.

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The motto of nerdcord is that we do not play clocktower

I would find it amusing if we reached that threshold quickly as a warning to everyone else that we don’t need sufficient advance preparation to pull together events.
Next time it’s a movie night.

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Best name yet. ^_^ I love it!

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