Play at your own risk [?KRC]: Game Over - Town Victory

i would also prefer something else

I proposed somebody else earlier. Iā€™m also currently reading through Mayā€™s ISO to see if theyā€™re hiding from the thread again, although my eyes keep glazing over. It might take a few minutes to digest.

if you prefer nuto over sleep you can vote them and unvote i think? i think that gives them priority

nobodies around i dont think weā€™re gonna get enough people

Hey cant get any sleepā€¦ so thought i should stay till eod i guess

I think May might be fine because they were fluffposting a lot earlier, which is a good sign if it shows they werenā€™t frozen.

weā€™re having the opposite issue, far too much of it

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I donā€™t know what this means.

fluffposting is generally what people do if theyre frozen
and given that may has a total of 39 postsā€¦

Why didnt you bring this up before when i was talking about my isoā€™s Whats your reasoning to keep nuto alive?

Majority and plurality voting, tiebreaker isnā€™t specified.

I know saying it makes it true cause it happens every game

And yet when i actually wolf nobody suspects me and i get to FX

Oh and noā€¦ it got traction way to easily when it really shouldnt haveā€¦

ties are decided by first there. im not sure how that works in the case of unvotes though? if it works the way i think it does you could essentially use it to put nuto above sleep and still have your vote on a preferred exec

host came into thread and said its first there but didnt specify what happens if they were higher and came back down

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Roger Roger commander

This has now been addressed.

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Host specified it, when I talked about no-exe winning ties at most an hour ago.

Where da fuq is my queen Leafia

Masonry assemble and tell me who to vote i trust yā€™all