Play at your own risk [?KRC]: Game Over - Town Victory

You mistake me being here for me being here.

mi lon ni tan kon ala,
mi lon ni tan sijelo

(I’ll give a little lookover and give some vibes)

@Jaiden you know, if there is no conversation just force people to talk

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be annoying and repeatedly ping people to talk, ask them questions, ect…

I love answering questions sm it’s like my favourite part of mafia

at first it was simply out of unwillingness to engage in small talk but at some point it was rather wondering how long theyd take to say anything.

It’s plausible they both felt the same way and were waiting for you or each other to speak up first.

also I’m not sure how I feel about May

wdym when you say sijelo here I thought that meant like torso

yeah i knew where you were going with this
im not sure its in character for them
its worth noting since i started thinking about this i started to scumread crichard and dont think too highly of garfooled either (although theyre still around null because how little there is to go off of)

its also worth noting that, as i said, it is a crazy tinfoil

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I feel like May hasn’t done much of anything and that May claims the gun was from YBW, but what’s curious is this

so @May where did the gun come from?

i think given the gun was a blank its clear ybw intentionally gave a fake gun


I want to hear from May

But why? Whats was YBW’s reasoning

ok nvm i’m back on gorta town




i love voting

VOTE: guavagudetama


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What’s really funny is I was in a neighborhood with Marluna only, and they thought I created it lol.