Players' Choice Invitational - Town Wins!

i’ll take the lock clear status if i didn’t already have it, thank you. if i don’t say this, then ranta probably dies instead.

admittedly ranta could still be lw and this might be a moot point but regardless.

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lw hunting, awesome part of the game where the player could’ve been top town the entire time because being lw allows you to do whatever.


wouldn’t it have been really funny if mafia killed the LW last night and the game ended

so here’s the deal
i’ll be the first one to admit i have no idea who the lost wolf is, and i’m not confident that just killing the inactives/top suspects is going to end the game.
but idk how to search for them either. it’s like trying to search for an sk. the one time i ““found”” the sk in a game was when i was a wolf with tmi and i wasn’t even sure so i had to rolecop them.

based on sheer thread positioning atlas could be it and that’s where i’m going to vote for now

/vote Atlas @Host_Account_5

also the fact wolves avoided talking about him but that assumes they even knew he was lw which may not be the case

you’ll know if i change my mind

and no idgaf if marl comes in here trying to get me to vote squirrel

he’s in this limbo of not actually contributing much to the solve but not being wolfy or in w meta which a lack of tmi could handily explain
also his posting today being all about mechanics and trying to enforce claims just makes things easier for him if he’s lw but that’s not my main point here and i could see a mistaken villager do the exact same thing

then again like i said i could change my mind later
rn i’m staying here

you dont get to try to cop out on me
its either 100% or 0%

also don’t try to make w meta reads on me
its never worked once

That’s not how it works ur allowed to have suspiciouns lol.

I think ur a very plausible lw and voting you, marl or eli today makes sense so you should probably case someone who you think is a more probable lost wolf instead of reeing.

hes poking me with a 30 meter stick

you know I feel if Arctic was in informed spec chat right now he’d say I’m obviously town

this is very important

“If not you, then who?” said the Moo(se)

i don’t know what this means so I’m going to get irrationally angry

case someone u muffin

that requires work and I am lazy


but I’m prolly not getting hung today so I can be lazy unlike u :upside_down_face:
