Players' Choice Invitational - Town Wins!

this is why we bold posts people

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Iā€™m on there twice

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yeah probably

Wind is like Eli
a likefarm


I see we have at least one double voter per day


bruh this was literally 20 seconds before the day ended

also thatā€™s very much vc 2

And Vulgard still responded and had a chance to move his vote lastsecond

why even bother responding when you can actually do something about it

Speaking of last-second shenanigans moose literally just lurked around and asked who to vote right when the thread was about to lock

im gonna try and get through squirrel/ash isos today and maybe 1 more

i (hopefully) go back to school tomorrow though so i wont have a bunch of time to play starting then

ill be honest

Vul could have moved it to squirrel

But i actually think it depends when last VC around that time tbh

Vulgard was there throughout the entire EOD period and from when the last VC was (literally like, less than a minute prior)

thereā€™s not really much of an excuse on that front but I want to hear the thoughts come from him on his reasoning behind his posts because looking from a ā€œnot being there realtimeā€ perspective, he looks atrocious here at EOD


I thought Squirrel was probably ahead of the other two wagons cause I saw Ash and Arctic move back to Squirrel close in time

By the way, heā€™s not the only one who looked bad here at EOD

I agree he doesnt look the best

Reason why i have him in my PoE right now

this was the last vc 11 minutes before eod

1 minute, 11 minutes
practically the same thing tbh

i dont really think anyone could have tracked where the votes were pretty well


I mean I have a list