Players' Choice Invitational - Town Wins!

Also this is what is making me torn
I want people to claim their numbers
I want people to claim the role they tried to choose
but at the same time I don’t want to reveal a potential Jailkeeper and the N3 Vig

my nubmers are 1/1 u want me to claim the role i tried to choose

They aren’t deathproof

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mate you see the issue is the more you claim that the more you out yourself as PR, worst of all if you’re Deathproof, you’re more than likely harming town by not claiming you are

literally nobody should out as PR at this point

you are Number 2/3 who chose Deathproof/Governor and didn’t get it and thus YBW is one of those and that’s why you know what YBW is chosen
am I wrong or right


why tf would you say I’m wrong
bro if he’s not deathproof or governor then he’s a perfect kill for the LW

Your not right
That isn’t what happened

wait I think I figured it out

I hate both of you

ok but do you hate him more

what did I do

no I hate you the most

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you’re 1/1 aren’t you


no im 1/1 i claimed it pre-game and im hardclaiming it now

/vote YBW @Host_Account_5
