Players' Choice Invitational - Town Wins!

Wazza whateveritscalled
Squirrel is probably vigi



Iā€™m Neighbouriser

Right now thereā€™s only like 3 claimed Vanillas alive

I mean itā€™d be really funny

squirrel isnā€™t the vigi because he was afraid of me shooting him

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Atlas, Hippo and yourself are all claimed Vanillas

wait I claimed Vanilla?

(Hippo claimed it in the neighbourhood)

dude youā€™re so obviously not PR

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this doesnā€™t answer my question of who claimed n3 vigi

no one did
and no one should

letā€™s go with that

best part is if Iā€™m wrong about this I can just be like ā€œIā€™m just covering for youā€

and if Iā€™m correct I get a ā€œI told you soā€ clause

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i mean
they are basically a VT IC now so
they can wait until they are about to die to claim ig but iā€™d rather just simplify the equation now to reduce poe

Thatā€™s exactly why they shouldnā€™t claim tbh

Right now the best Jailkeeper target is me and spreading that open to two different people just means itā€™s a guessing game to lower LW PoE

btw the reason Iā€™m Jailkeeper target is because LW either stalls to make me look suspicious or just kills to lower numbers down which confirms me not LW
