Players' Choice Invitational - Town Wins!

well if I die here ill be right so

ranta has done pretty much nothing that I believe could be in bad faith

Eli has been more useful today than atlas cuz at least they haven’t spammed thread so I am firmly on the hang atlas and it’s a win/win

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not a win for me because I’ll be dead
at least people can applaud me for being right in informed


I thought we had already established that ranta’s aware of her meta though and has manipulated people’s knowledge of her meta in the past

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i dont think they will because I dont think moose is scum

again if you could show me why other than “he pushed on me” thatd be great

Right about literally what? That I’m mafia because I voted you? That were gonna hang the POE? No shit were gonna hang the poe, stating the obvious doesn’t make you the messiah.

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ill go find the posts that make sense
can you build your why not in the meantime

im being bullied


I dont really like this take

It’s basically saying ‘well at least eli’s not a hyperposter’

But eli’s a lowposter so I dont really think thats any better

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Yeah I agree they still shouldn’t go to final 3 I just think atlas has more scum equity.

Also atlas is mildly annoying me so if they’re town it’ll be easier for me to find the lw without the distraction.

i mean I ISOd them and thought they were town, iirc they pushed like all of the mafia, which I guess doesn’t make sense if they’re LW but I think LW wouldn’t push people who are consesus scumread, and instead would try to find the people they think are scum and then TR them or put them in PoE but then vote someone else who they think is town which moose never did and he instead pushed almost all the scum (except ash maybe i dont remember that one as well)

I literally don’t understand how ur play today has been so different from the other 3 days? Like you actually made some several decent points before but today you’ve been talking outta ur arse lol

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But like

If you yeet atlas → eli → ranta, then you get a f3 of me/you/marl

And I don’t want marl in f3 with me

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And it makes me think atlas is panicking cuz they’re last mafia left and that’s why there’s a lot of ate suddenly

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why dont u want marl in f3 with u? :slightly_smiling_face:

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Atlas sounds a lot like he did in scp when he was arguing with Italy

That doesn’t mean his reads are right (Italy was a town mason) but I dont think his emotion is ai

imo atlas play is similar but still different to SCP to me
like he brought up people change and stuff but meta still exists and im gonna use it
The main thing is in SCP he fought non-stop to try to get me killed over him, while in this hes more like “I’m gonna die” while in SCP he never stopped fighting and never really gave up like that

If marl is town we lose since he snapvotes me

If marl is scum then it’s 50-50 because I vote him and the remaining person decides

So it’s like 25% we win lol

i have, and this

is just trying to flip flop around
“well that didn’t work”
“kill squirrel”

this is just mean
also you say things like this, but you back out and try to say “everyone’s townier than you sorry”

you voted for me because I didn’t want Squirrel dead

I was asking why weren’t you lost wolf, that wasn’t close to what I said

glad that’s your best reasoning

who makes this post
it looks like they’re planning on keeping ranta alive and using it as an excuse or something

you never explained this

this adds to my theory