Players' Choice Invitational - Town Wins!

i knew it

Hey, I did skip night

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/vote atlas



[confused squirrel noises]

Atlas how can you not remember when you spent more than 24 hours doing it

I remember why, it just wasn’t as concrete as I thought when I thought about it

wow really

anyway was it just the fact he voted you or was it something else

Mostly because he voted me and reasons revolving around that and things that came from it

i think Atlas is town tbh


also I was right it was omgus im so cool

yeah i forgot lol

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Honestly, if we treat this like a new game starting on D4 when all packwolves are dead, Vulgard actually doesn’t look very good.

I thought their yesterday was pretty weak compared to everyone except Marl and Ranta. Why do we not think Vul is LW again I forgot?

Vulgard was town bc their actions from before D4 were good at least on D2 and D3 (I remember their D1 being pretty eh)

Yah but when you are LW who doens’t know mafia it is super easy to literally just play as town if you want.

Kinda think we should semi-treat it as a new game starting yesterday

I don’t disagree with you on that at all but I think we shouldn’t completely ignore everything from before that. If someone looked good before and looks bad now and vice reversa we should use that, but if someones nullish then I think looking at their past days is a good indicator. Also I think even if we go from that perspective it’s fact that the mafia had to guess someone each night and I still think they guessed squirrel N1 and thats why he was pushed so hard D2

also we can all agree that eli had it coming for breaking rank right


thats fair tbh

if you think i was motivated by anything more than memes then
you’re wrong

/vote Atlas @Host_Account_5 this or ranta i don’t particularly care which

tbf i spent eod trying to create a 9-way rand
whether you think it’s ai is another thing but
clearly i wasn’t playing an optimal game

or we can yeet marl lol

I thought eli was gonna flip mafia and it would be the best end to a game ever

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