Players' Choice Invitational - Town Wins!


okay I guess this is where we disagree

bc imo, their reasoning just today makes no sense, even if you take into account their whole shpiel about how all their reads are just gut reads, their progression on you makes very little sense and their whole voting 2 hours into locked Xylo doesnt really make sense

I feel we’re focused on two different things


I’m trying to prove someone town, you’re trying to prove someone scum

Why is Marl town?

bc he isnt vulgard

What about his iso screams “member of the townsfolk”

I can point to what’s scummy about Marl and what’s towny about vul
But what is towny about Marl

I cant find the exact quotes, but one thing struck me as odd and even if its a flimsy reason to TR someone it made sense to me
Basically, about like 3-4 days ago marl quoted the fact that there was an optional factional kill, and said something about it being dumb. Yesterday, marl quoted the same thing after asking if it was optional, which seems weird to do as scum imo. If he was scum, I don’t think he would forget if the factional kill was optional that fast, and I dont think its something he could plan out as scum bc it relies on someone ISOing him and for someone to even notice that in the first place.

Along with that, I think he believes his reads, and I think all the time until squirrel’s flip, he believed his read on him. Vulgard on the other hand felt more distant and like he didn’t believe his own reads. Someone that struck me as off with vulgard was day 4 or 5, can’t remember which, the one where eli was executed, he pushed you for a majority of the day stating you as his highest scumread (and you were decently scummy). However, when that read failed instead of going for someone else they scumread or something like that, they proposed the idea of the 9-way rand (which arguably is very funny and could just be a meme). It seemed to me like they saw an atlas execution wasn’t going through and knew people on this site would want to meme so he did that to try and either get the outcome of a 9-way rand and luck, or the outcome of voting whoever went against it (eli)

I mean
He could’ve just forgot he asked and faked not knowing

it was literally
thats a shame… anyway

yeah and wouldnt w!marl be more upset about the fact squirrel wasn’t lw and talk about how they thought they were right the entire game? town marl on the other hand would realize that were in MxYo and that he needs to start “tryharding” as he would put it

If you want we can just let it rand


me and you have been putting in more work than him

u havent convinced me yet and I got hw to do so I may just vote vulgard

Point is:
Vul is a whole lot townier than Marl as a whole, and Marl has been doing nothing the entire game while vul seems to be connecting stuff and trying to talk about it

well I disagree that vul has been townier than marl so :P

Also I actually read the Disney game and his xylo was decently similar