Players' Choice Invitational - Town Wins!

in that case i’ll go with fes first and portable second?
or i’ll go with portable when revisiting p3 in case a persona 5 port to pc arrives bc in that case i’ll play that before replaying p3

can this be moved to completed thanks

no atlas
the game is still on

we still need to find


That’s easy /Execute Marluxion.

I’m using my dead vote on this nomination.

/travel in as united nations

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I’ll drop the bomb with Atlas


good job villa

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Answer is actively bad
FES vs Portable is surprisingly arguable

Except Junpei

Junpei is best boi in answer

Being able to control party members period is a big draw
You might say ‘you can work around it’ but if I’m getting punched every so often while I play I’m going to enjoy the game less than…not that

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that fucking table btw

laughing one if i remember

fuck that one

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I don’t remember where I encountered it but I’m pretty sure it fucked me up as much as the superboss of the castle in p4 fucked me up

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God why did they give a rampage that hits for a casual several hundred in the early game to a boss that you can just…encounter

Evil has won because Comintern isn’t in play.

it was floor 500 i think lmao

so halfway through tartarus

What a fucking wall that table was

The chance persona caves your skull in isn’t likely

But it’s never zero
unless you’re playing p5

spoilers for p3 - a person exists


is that person revolver jesus

note: i don’t use that feature in golden because i find it more interesting to work around what the AI does
though i’ve heard that p3’s AI is significantly worse to the point it might actually frustrate me in that game? idk

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