Pokemon Xros Wars Game Over Mafia Victory

With the pretense that I am pretending you are super-mega-town, yeah. You sorta did the same thing with me at first. It’s a thing I’m hung up on, but I do that so I need to move past that and improve. A D1 read is a BAD read I need BETTER reads.

That being said anyone with a wonky push on someone could easily be a wolf stumbling for a push on a villager and not quite hitting the mark.Going out on a limb and saying because we don’t die if we get shot, there’s a good chance wolves are going to be pushing harder than usual for mis-elims. If town dictates all the kills I think we’ll be in a good spot.

What if Tell Tale made The Walking Dead Aftermath

I don’t really like ignoring people because they’re acting like they’re powerful. They can die with the rest of us weak town plebians with terrible town abilities! After all if they can’t scumread to save their lives the PR they have isn’t gonna do anything anyway. And it definitely isn’t going to help if they end up in the PoE and have town attacking them.

Yeah it was a good af game

There’s comics but they kinda ruined clem in them and people didn’t like it so I don’t know how that’s going

Where Violet’s Castle becomes the home to many and Clem is in charge of the new world without Walkers.

Or even a Christa spin off of Walking Dead.

That chick abandoned and blamed Clem and left Clem alone.

We don’t know if she is alive or dead, she never returned after the beginning of Season 2.

So was Clem based off Comics or did Tell Tale make it first?

what did u mean by the first sentence? I’m certainly not trying to ignore them, I just need more to solidify a town lean on them, cause all I got is that they are reasonable, which scares me

No she’s an original character

It’s just that there’s a comic of the aftermath after the final season

Ah figured.
Even Lee?

I do this thing where I talk about things I’m thinking about without elabourating that’s my mistake

So basically when I see someone claim PR or think they’re a PR I just ignore them, they become a ghost, I don’t care about them. If someone claims self-resolving or whatever same thing. I’m saying that’s lame and bad and I don’t want to do it any more so they can die die die

As long as the city doesn’t get removed, they need to stay there.

Also, hopefully they had it where Clem was lovers with Violet.

That’s what I chose.

who is they, now im even more confused lol

They is whoever I think is a town PR or self resolving or whatever

In this case I think KT might be fitting that bill based on your description

Did they @Jarek

I don’t remember I think that was open-ended.

Basically it’s like a few months after clem decides she’s got wanderlust and leaves AJ behind and leaves the school