actually im gonna CFD the person who started my CFD
checks who it was
goodbye neon
olivest backs up eliza
if eliza w then olive is
VOTE: Neon
That I would be fine with too.
Alright well I’ll happily vote them
this is stupid
VOTE: eevee
Stelluna’s sudden vote on olivest earlier actually looks really bad
Im not sure what to do anymore…
Stellaluna and jarek were so fucking ready to hop on my wagon
I literally didn’t even vote you
Killing me for a joke that was clearly a joke that other people followed for ???
Would be pretty funny
this is the main purpose of un-cfding
and you still haven’t unvoted
You threatened to several times lmao
I’d vote the 2nd person who voted you though
Less than ten minutes to end of Day.
Note that if you submit after precisely the deadline we will not accept any swaps.
if you want a reason to make me even more useless than I already am then congrats
hardclaiming a soft mech green on jarek
back off nerds
VOTE: Stella