Pokemon Xros Wars Game Over Mafia Victory

The reason I’m so certain that Giovanni is the leader of the Team Rocket faction this game and a godfathertype role is because it makes perfect sense lorewise.

I honestly don’t remember where I first heard that phrase but I’ve known it for decades since I was a kid I believe.

so is olivert is gunna get away with no claiming for another day?

Olivest, claim now please.

wisp if i dont say you’re rolefishing will you still yell at me if i say leafia is


You’ll stretch over backwards to shade me, won’t you?

i’m trying to be funny


lmao they did the same thing to me

anyways I only came back cause I want Olivert to claim, and to say I will break the tie if it stays the same, which means my vote is going on olivert

no and no
i shouldn’t be
i think claiming in general only helps scum right now

(also the post pinged me as wolfy but i dont know how to elaborate bc its deeper than rolefishing)


Fair enough.

Have you asked this as a villager “recentish-ly”? I can’t remember.

yeah go ahead im not claiming because you threaten my death

Yes. Less than a minute or two ago. You even just quoted it.

VOTE: KingTroll.
From my wagonomics post and mainly to see what anyone else does about this.

You got me there.

Is it weird that I find this mildly villagery?

town only loses advantage with more claims here

speaking of claims, eliza has a second unclaimed role right

Laughs True.

idt w!king hard shields v!jar at eod2 and im in v!jar worlds rn
