Pokemon Xros Wars Game Over Mafia Victory

im everyones favourite pokemon btw, crobat
who doesnt like crobat

i love crobat

king of gen 8 ru


their speed stat is stupid high

I can understand wanting to roleblock the killer if you think they’re a wolf, but with the idea in mind that this is wolf behaviour this is a wolf that wants the town vig roleblocked and stopped. That’s assuming Neon is Town and Leafia is a V. It could easily be W/W but that’s hard to see I think only one of these is ever a wolf here.

Anyway moving onto stella, leafia wants to resolve the parity check by killing Stella. Which doesn’t resolve the actual Parity check at all in my opinion and they also claim Stella is scummy. I haven’t seen reason to believe Stella is scummy though maybe I’m pocketed from the check on me.

I don’t know. The more I think about it the harder it is to say exactly what’s going on, because if Leafia is a wolf they’re flailing really hard right now and essentially lashing out at anyone they can get their hands on to be pushed instead of them. Which is strange given I haven’t seen a huge amount of pressure on them? I have been a bit absent-minded so maybe there was pressure I didn’t see.

Needless to say I think it’s Leafia Versus the world, rather than any specific player. If you’re a Townie Leafia you need to stop that. and if you’re a wolf…Keep it up!

Neither is wolf leafia tbh

crobat gets in the way of my goat, gliscor
there can only be one evil bat guy

ahh the good old gliscor stall build, one of my fav’s

theres something wrong with both of you (/joke)


then I guess we are at an impass
I like my read better :stuck_out_tongue:

its not an impasse if i read correctly
its just an agreement that that particular point is NAI

gliscor and gligar are always good somehow and it never stops being funny

i do agree but
what do you think this means for their alignment

(my personal opinion is that she does it as both alignments but could be more exaggerated as wolf? idk she could also just not intentionally exaggerate it)
(i feel like its not by itself AI but if theres a point you get to where eveything theyve done is strictly NAI then the PoE catches up to them, which is where I’m at rn)

It’s NAI i’ve seen this behaviour as a wolf and as a villager. But at some point we have to reject that and make actual reads.

ok im struggling to read again i think its time for me to give up

we are, strictly speaking, at an impasse


however this impasse is caused by agreement rather than disagreement
no progress is possible because idk what we’d progress about anyways

i lied my favourite pokemon is

why is this one of the top results for rue

hey wait what


i bet youre gonna say your favourite pokemon is rue now

not since the incident
