Poor Approximations of Catgirls [Game Over - Mafia Win]

About 2 hours I will

ok i’m back

hi back i’m mist

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and then they were never heard from again

@Millium @LASERpointer @bladescape @BS4215 are any of you open to the possibility of wisdom today or is this going to be me vs millium

Arete 8/12 Arctic (#1362); Hippopablompoyeetus (#4319); JohnCarter (#4365); LASERpointer (#3152); Marshal (#3019); Moonwink (#4147); Squirrel2412 (#3800); Vulgard (#3767)
Marshal 7/12 Arete (#3398); Marluxion (#4326); Millium (#4308); nightingale (#4302); nutella (#4344); Wazza (#4370); WindwardAway (#3463)
Squirrel2412 5/12 alana (#3961); bladescape (#2877); Mistyx (#3802)
Wisdom 1/12 Kyubey (#3541)
InternetStranger 1/12 Illwei (#2524)
Not Voting 3 InternetStranger; min (#3984); Wisdom (#3420)

ok the first thing i wanted to do is look at EOD1
arete vs marshal
big ticket shit

first thing i think looking at this VC is that there are absolutely no flipped wolves on marshal
3 on arete (vulgard, marshal, hippo)
and 1 on squirrel (alana)
obviously wolves wanted arete over pretty damn badly, enough to put half their team on them (yeah ik vulgard is lost wolf but still)
again, having town arete die d1 is a massive win for them and wouldn’t want to jeopardize that under any circumstances, especially when the rival wagon is marshal (most skilled and competent wolf that’s flipped so far)

and where is everyone alive?

millium- on marshal
mist- on squirrel
blade- on squirrel
wisdom- not voting
IS/BS- also not voting but pre replacement

without looking at context of votes this looks best for wisdom and millium

looking at context:
millium -

voted squirrel 8 minutes before EOD here:

expresses frustration and amusement at EOD gamestate

voted marshal at 6 minutes to EOD
something interesting to note is that hippo switched from wisdom to arete right after this

states a refusal to tie the wagons but doesn’t move to arete to make this less likely to happen, which i think a wolf can easily easily get away with here especially with so much EOD contention between marshal/arete

also side note i am aware this can be faked but millium mistaking wazza for waza the whole time is a good look too i think

so originally i was going to go through everyone’s EOD1 but millium was the only person there lmao
but yeah
from this i can’t see millium partnered with marshal at all here especially considering how up in the air d1 was and what the stakes were

another side note
i don’t like blade and mist still being on squirrel at EOD gut says wolves could be hiding there as a way to escape taking sides on marshal vs arete
but i haven’t looked at the context for those yet and neither were on for EOD

tldr millium town

I mean I talk out of my ass a lot, but I’m not petty, so yes, of course I am

excuse you i was researching and actually making good on my promise to Do Things for the first time this game

it’s basically mylo though
i am reevaluating everything and open to whatever i think has the best chance of flipping red

wisdom wasn’t online at eod1 iirc
blade apparently couldn’t move his vote at that point
i was there but not itt because :sparkles: anxiety :sparkles:
IS was also probably offline?

why does wisdom being offwagon look good but not BS being offwagon

@Mistyx talk to me about your d1 and why you landed on squirrel, what you thought about marshal vs arete etc

i remember now blade said something about not being able to change votes after 24h and that’s probably why he ended on squirrel but still

Wait blade literally couldn’t move his vote? And I don’t agree that Wisdom being off wagon is good, like they weren’t even voting

And I’d have to go look if they were even like around

that was without context
and i specified for eevee/BS that it was pre replacement
and also that slot hasn’t ever committed to a vote if i recall so it’s less notable that they didn’t d1

i was p confident on marshal v over arete but more confident on squirrel w than either

iirc when i left thread it was arete/squirrel top wagons

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I can confirm this, I remember going through Misty’s progression and votes

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that’s what he said
couldn’t move vote after 24h or he’d lose triple vote

yes i know that now after i looked further into it
that’s why i said without context
but my thought process when just looking at that EOD vc was
hm wisdom isn’t voting could’ve jumped onto arete last minute ?
maybe shows genuine confusion

they weren’t

ok thank you both this helps
in that case mist looks a bit better

@Mistyx thoughts on my millium case from eod1?

what millium case from eod1

like the one you just posted?

my towncase
i just posted ??

i’m proud of myself