Poor Approximations of Catgirls [Game Over - Mafia Win]

my slot?

internet pushed marshal d1
marshal drama forced IS to leave game

i was catching up d2
called squirrel and wind town d2
n2 voted for marshal with exce and cloned, making them hated
d3 push on marshal again
with kyubey stopped people from cfd when marshal claimed
on day 4 tried to get actions from protectives
tried to explain strategy how to check blade
on vote tie, warned about not voting, so people can prepare
and day 5 is today

and im saying - moon + hippo + mist / milium
same people we put hated on so far, yes

/vote Wisdom @Nyarchmage

/vote Moonwink



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If laser is in ur poe of 3 why have never considered voting them

My ability isn’t working because I explicitly violated my restrictions because triplevote with hammer at 4/5 is scary for me.

The lingering doubt.

the urge is strong.

well at this rate its looking grim so
“See you around Space Cowboy”

I rlly feel like blade might just be playing us and their vote was disabled for some other reason but rheyre claiming jts cuz of ghe town thing.

I also STILL dont like laser despite their indignation but no one wants to toich either slot

Posts like Hippo’s make me wish I’d shown off my 3vote before ruining it but thems the breaks.

Yeah, it’s fine. I had a feeling it was going to go this way.

If we’re not in MYLO and you all do get another day of play, Milli is my strongest townread. NEVER kill them.

perhaps it is because nobody else is that foolish?

hm…the voice is screaming loudly at me to hammer.

Moonwink 3/4 bladescape (#3064); Mistyx (#2470); Wisdom (#2580)
Wisdom 2/5 Millium (#2777); Moonwink (#3063)
LASERpointer 1/5 Hippopablompoyeetus (#2875)
Not Voting 3 BS4215; LASERpointer; Wazza

/vote LaserPointer @Nyarchmage

Moonwink 3/4 bladescape (#3064); Mistyx (#2470); Wisdom (#2580)
LASERpointer 2/5 Hippopablompoyeetus (#2875); Moonwink (#3076)
Wisdom 1/5 Millium (#2777)
Not Voting 3 BS4215; LASERpointer; Wazza

any final words moonwink

Why isn’t BS voting anyone? Why have they NEVER voted anyone?

/vote BS @Nyarchmage
