Poor Approximations of Catgirls [Game Over - Mafia Win]

No shade

Why havenā€™t you hammered me then? That wouldnā€™t result in a tie.

there is a tie?

Moonwink 3/4 bladescape (#3064); Mistyx (#2470); Wisdom (#2580)
LASERpointer 1/5 Hippopablompoyeetus (#2875)
Wisdom 1/5 Millium (#2777)
BS4215 1/5 Moonwink (#3080)
Not Voting 3 BS4215; LASERpointer; Wazza

my understanding is hated counts as +1 vote, not -1 to maj

so it counts for ties

Iā€™d rather have a Wisdom wagon now.

No, but apparently theyā€™re worried about one happening.

can we not say this
it puts more pressure on me

and can we also not say this:

I wonā€™t say it again, but I am both in strong pain, and strongly annoyed.

Iā€™m usually a toxic person yet my pain is telling me that yā€™all need to just chill for a bit please

Dont worry im sure u can go 3 for 3 i believe in u

im not moving from Wisdom, ill get shot on this hill if need be lol

how about I shoot you to guarantee something goes wrong for you


/vote Wisdom @Nyarchmage

U wldnt dare

/vote Wisdom @Nyarchmage


Their fucking tiujgn

now its tied

Iā€™m not letting it tie obviously

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