Poor Approximations of Catgirls [Game Over - Mafia Win]

ya im curious

yee spec chat called me out exactly on d3 so i had to just trash them


anticlaim on wazza

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we used our claim mechanic to use wazzas ability becuase wazza claimed


thats not night 2 though

why did wazza claim lol


ohh thats pretty cool

no i fucking did not

Wazza claiming killed Chloe and Marshal

this is totally =rand ive made lylo as town a lot lately

how did eevee get into spec chat

oh that makes sense

I vaguely assumed you hadn’t anticlaimed her at all since she still had her abilities

well they did save the game, so kudos to that at least

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almost lol

ur a monster buddy, well played

i take back saying wazza is my favorite for shooting hippo smh

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i sense this is gonna be a nice and untoxic postgame where everybody acknowledges both the strengths and shortcoming of both sides and remembers that it is just a game for fun with each other


why did you allow a wolf into spec chat

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who lol

marshal you suck