Poor Approximations of Catgirls [Game Over - Mafia Win]

Dont worry im sure u can go 3 for 3 i believe in u

im not moving from Wisdom, ill get shot on this hill if need be lol

how about I shoot you to guarantee something goes wrong for you


/vote Wisdom @Nyarchmage

U wldnt dare

/vote Wisdom @Nyarchmage


Their fucking tiujgn

now its tied

I’m not letting it tie obviously

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I’m tied with Wisdom. Theoretically, Wisdom should die over me if they’re town, right?

this was telegraphed from like 20 minutes ago

so now i’m asking why it happened now and not 20 minutes ago

like damn who do y’all think I am

/unvote @Nyarchmage

what logic is this lmao
ties are randomised



What qre wagons

no, don’t scum get to pick?
