hm, I’m not entirely sure why Mist is both backing me up and agreeing with my takes now after our slot hasn’t been favorable towards her in the slightest.
Nvm I should have read that whole post
no you dolt, she didn’t. and that’s because we targeted her night 2.
why is that particularly surprising
those things can exist indepedently
they can, yes. it’s simply drawn my notice because if I recall correctly you weren’t particularly favorable towards us either.
At night i target someone
If they have said nya enough i heal them from being killed next day
No ones been killed at day (including the multikill as that counted as delayed night kills, and i dont protect from poison) so i believe i am VT
Ive softed it and who i targetted during game
Why tf do i post something qnd tben 5 ppl appear
Are u all just watching thread thinking “this is fine”
Yeah do u agree that u havent been towny today
I’m lurking on and off as I attempt to ignore my sickness enough to post.
Oh ok sorry now i feel rude lol
how is that what you got? no, I’m wondering why it’s taken her so long to finally notice I’m town.
Seemed to vibe weird and the spew wasn’t clearing and I thought some of the reads on them by flipped mafia were forced. Nothing super strong tho.
(And omgus)
I’ve stated that I got extremely sick within the past two days multiple times. I’m doing what I can despite this.
I don’t…particularly agree with Felix’s little “reaction” test on D3, but the way he handled that should have been clearing to her, at least in my eyes.
The hell are these roles lmao
Anyway, I’m here for a bit. I’ve got a bit of a migraine, so I dunno if I’m gonna be able to do much, but I’m here.
Moon if i hosted a chillaxed fun forum survivor here wld u join
We’re not voting Wazza.
One of the most sensible things out of Hippo’s mouth all day was calling out the KP.