
I meant the other guy

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I mean, ok, good.
Aaaaaaa. I just didn’t want to let you down and thought you were just roasting me tons while I was dead in the maf chat

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imagine dying d1. how bad could you be. bussing for nothing :skull::skull::skull::skull::skull::sob::sob::sob::sob::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::kazakhstan::kazakhstan::kazakhstan::kazakhstan::kazakhstan:


Chris continues to win games on this site regardless of his alignment

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by the way i was like completely correct when i said that


Technically you were only correct several minutes after saying that

Oh and I forgot to add thank you to @Garfooled and @Hazardwaste for hosting and/or co-hosting with me! This is my first time actually, like, co-hosting a mafia game, and I had fun and I was so competent and we were so competent and we were the best hosts ever and I didn’t get pranked by Litten DMing me “they shot BTW” once


holy shit, a town not being salty after a wolf win

give this person an award


You know, you can compliment people for their pleasant postgame attitudes without shading others in the process. It even makes you sound more genuine, since they don’t have to worry about whether your real intent was to be nice to them or to be rude to everybody else, especially given nobody in this thread has been rude or salty.

honestly i’ve read like 5 posts since the game finished, i have no idea if people were salty or not so it wasn’t a jab at anyone else


Yeah, no worries, I know that wasn’t your intention; I realize my response wasn’t very clear about that, so apologies on my part.

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Is anyone in this community salty about a loss?

excuse me

recently? not really i guess. hard to tell since town has mostly been winning

I joined when the toxic arc ended I guess

Initiative to Increase Toxicity. Wait, we already did that. @ElizaThePsycho Stop liking posts


I can be toxic about my losses in spec chat popcorn? ILLEGITIMATE, you SHOT me D1 because I hadn’t said anything when my HANDS were full I wasn’t FROZEN AT ALL I was just SHOPPING at the time and PICKED SOMETHING UP literally 1984 1984 1948 1984 1948948948

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yeah i hope that and town actually being able to win lasts a while longer until i have time to play again after exams

although tbh i might have been contributing to both of those issues

as @Achromatic keeps posting

it took a lot of willpower to send this


being trans means u have no time to be toxic obv

there is no other explanation as to why madeline celeste was pleasant to play with and postgame with :stuck_out_tongue:


I think everybody who has time enough to spend postingtoxic things after a game should consider instead using that time on useful, fun activities,s uch as transing your’e gender

