I’m assuming your first line is about Catbae’s sentiment. I was bringing up a scumtell in my opener about the “not thinking about who to shoot”, since in this setup every evil can pretty much play on their own. Define “early”.

And if you’re one of these people and you actually have posted, then you were so unmemorable that I didn’t even realize you’d posted, and you’re probably a wolf, sorry for your rand

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So i looked at the tales game. You didnt give a single early game town read as town.

My point was that I hadn’t felt like writing any of my super long individual analysis posts that game, but I did anyway.
The no townread thing is fine.

I think shooting high posters on the basis of them being high posters is, in general, a losing strategy?

If anything sort by post count encourages you to shoot low posters, not high posters, so your interest in making sure high posters are dead feels like it could be some sort of agenda to get the game to stall out and lack discussion which tends to advance the wolf win condition

But, like, it’s weird because I don’t think a wolf does an opening post with an openly anti-town agenda unless they actually think their proposal is pro-town.

And it doesn’t necessarily seem like the kind of thing that you would believe because of a perspective slip. So it’s just weird.


who is your top townread right now

Yeah but all of your analysis about possibly suspecting people didnt come off as forced or labored. You were just going for it.

So for you to say your reads are always forced is wolf indactive more than it is town indicative. It felt placating of catbae more than anything.

Actually want to hear top townread from



I’ve already claimed achro as my top townread, if you repeat that then you’re just sheeping and you’re a wolf

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read my posts again


Pocket accepted.

Achro is my top town read

You are a sheep! A sheep! You voted me right after litten did with no explanation!

God that was a fever dream

Imagine taking all of my posts 100% seriously

I really just want people to express thoughts on slots other than achro, and I chose to express that in a joking manner

Is this an inside joke I’m missing

I have no idea who madeline is i swear

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This is unhelpful, “Read my ISO” is a extremely triggering and you are now my current snapshoot target if I get the gun

save it for the executioner

Oh, I see the issue here. I was expressly referring to the types of players that are capable of high-posting as either alignment if there’s paranoia about them. In any case, I quite explicitly used the wording “shot halfway through the game”, not early.