Popcorny Mafia šŸæ (GAME OVER, MAFIA VICTORY)

Nuto wants Achro / YBW

Magnus also wants YBW

Magnus wanted lol

Iā€™m giving YBW the time to make a post

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@achromatic can you tell me why I shouldnā€™t shoot you next

Because it would lose us the game.

if YBW is a hit it wouldnā€™t lose us the game and I trust you carry in F3

Would you like detailed reasons

Oh. After ybw

Thats fine

I feel strangely pocketed

I am 100% always the best shot in f4 imo

One on one always bet on achro

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ok ima ctualyl gonna do shit now i PROMISe
my heart hurts and i just drank an entire baja blast, the perfect enviornment to play FM in

Every pairing possible (fmpov)

My methodology is to primarily search for interactions between the two people in question. Iā€™m not looking at how to read these people, Iā€™m trying to see whether or not itā€™s likely they are paried with certain people. This will involve me looking (or skimming bc achroā€™s iso is like 500 posts long) at somebodyā€™s ISO and finding all clear interactions/mentions of the other person in question, and looking to see how their reads develop on this person in specific.


Looking at Catā€™s ISO (ftr Iā€™m just gonna quote every post I see, if there is a specific one I want to comment on I will quote it outside of the hidden part.

Cat's Quotes featuring Achro

for context, madeline townreads achro at this point and this is a reply to madeline

also a reply to madeline

referring to achro in these posts
never follws up on that last question

Cat was talking to magnus who asked for Littenā€™s read on achro when liteen asked maguns for their read on achro. This is catā€™s response

worth noting kiiruma was scum (this is mainly a reminder to self bc its been a while lmao)

readlist, dont known if achro/lolā€™s slot is townlean or like nulltown or anything but worth adding ofc

reply to achro about kiiruma

reply to achro talking about madeline being shot

responding to a post from madeline asking for top town

reply to achro

I find this reply excessively strange bc this is the second time achro has asked for a wolf game from catbae and catbae just replied again with one. Not that like, replying is ai or anything, but i find it weird achro ended up asking twice

for context, madeline townreads achro at this point and this is a reply to madeline

also a reply to madeline

These are strange to me at this point, catbae had not voiced a read on achro yet, but he seems to imply that its obvious through reading his posts that he has a townread on achro, while also calling Madelineā€™s tr on achro fake.

this post reads to me as someone soft defending both kiiruma and achro by calling kiirumaā€™s thought process real while also saying achro is town bc of how thread is handling him. Neither of these things are explicitly stated, but they are implied.

thereā€™s also this post immediatley after which is strange bc it seems they have voiced multiple reads on achro but state they are ā€œundecidedā€ on achro.
their next post also has this

seems overall decently wishy-washy on achroā€™s slot for the first day period

Strange readlist as theyā€™ve expressed mutliple doubts about achro up to this point, even saying they have reservations about them, yet they put them in the upper spot of their readlist, (4 from the top)
also kiiruma was top townread which is :thinking: but thats not what this part of the post is about

I find this reply excessively strange bc this is the second time achro has asked for a wolf game from catbae and catbae just replied again with one. Not that like, replying is ai or anything, but i find it weird achro ended up asking twice

ok iā€™ve gone through almost every one of catbaeā€™s posts that involved achro (quoted) and on catā€™s side I can defintely see a pairing here. Cat was very wishy-washy when it came to achro at tjhe start of the game before sticking him as top town for almost the entire rest of the game until like now ig? Can defintely see cat paired with achro when looking at catā€™s posts

now itā€™s time for achro! (im skimming this shit theres so much)

ACHros' posts featuring catbae

unrelated but we really shoulda huh

mentions and interacts with catbae very fast into the game, not w/w indicative by itself or anything but worth noting

idk if this counts as a readlist since it says power rankings but thats what im percieving it as

townreading catbae

referring to catbaeā€™s comment on them finding my answer sus to the question of magnusā€™s alignment

again defending cat

replying to catbae

reply to catbae

he said it again ladies and gentleman

Achro seems to be citing love is war like extensively which isnā€™t like w/w indictiave by tiself or anything but I think is interesting given the context of the rest of the interactions. It allows him to express doubt by always saying ā€œbut he could be a good scumā€ while townreading him.

starts expressing doubts on catbae mid d-3 before sultan shot

achro asks for another wolf game despite previously having one

this is so so strange to me considering cat had already linked a scum game! i dont know what purpose these posts serve when he already had a scum game of catā€™s

I need to stop biting my nails, if u see this btw quote it and yell at me not to bite my nails (also to prove u read my post bc if u did ur town and ily)

ā€œim unaligned with everybodyā€ - Achromatic, lying out his ASS

reply to cat

again trying to influence shot away from cat

these are some of the first times achromatic has had like an actual conversation with catbae, and it is in LyLo.

theres also this but idfk what this means lmao

first post that set off alarm bells to me, seems very weird to be posted and it isnā€™t too much better in context

itā€™s worth mentioning at this poitn im at about post 250 and ive found that achroā€™s itneractions with catbae donā€™t really involve back-to-back conversations like his interactions with most other people and that they mainly rely on him giving a few comments about catā€™s alignment, mainly that he townreads cat, pinging him to ask questions, and thats about it. It kinda reads like a scum trying to force some interaction between their scum buddy to make it seem natural.
also wow more than half of his posts were d1

strange post imo bc previous to this point he has been expressing a townread on catbae mainyl reinforced by meta and vibes, and it seems very strong considering it has held up to almost all questionig by others. Weird that he is now in the hero shot section.

Hate these posts honestly, madeline expressed the idea that achro/catbae were wolves and this was his response. Very w/w indicitave imo. I was already p sure achro/cat were the team but like Wow, this guy claimed he wasnā€™t aligned with anybody!

Achro also LOVES to interact with the current shot holder. I genunily think a majority of his posts are replying to the current shot holder about his own reads and what he thinks to try and influence their reads.

Achro seems to be citing love is war like extensively which isnā€™t like w/w indictiave by tiself or anything but I think is interesting given the context of the rest of the interactions. It allows him to express doubt by always saying ā€œbut he could be a good scumā€ while townreading him.

achro asks for another wolf game despite previously having one

this is so so strange to me considering cat had already linked a scum game! i dont know what purpose these posts serve when he already had a scum game of catā€™s

overall yeah, achro can 100% be teamed with catbae, like VERY very easily. Achro, depsite hyperposting (literally 1/5 of thread is achro) and interacting a ton with the shot holder and other people has rarely interacted with catbae only keeping him at an extremely stagnant townread almost the entire game. Catbaeā€™s interactions with achro arenā€™t amazing either with his unwillingness to really state a direct read, going back and forth, until finally deciding to townread him and sticking with that for a majority of the game

Iā€™d give this team a


for how likely I think it is

theyā€™re also both kinda scummy and donā€™t have a ton of consitently towny posts. Achroā€™s constant interaction with the shotholder yet yearning to be shot read as weird to me as well and it more so seems like a wolf trying to influence their shot choice than anything.

Thereā€™s also that whole ā€œwhy didnā€™t achro get the gunā€ thing but i honestly think thats kind of an unfair reason to scumread someone so im not gonna look into it much.


oh my god its been an hour and im only a third of the way done with this post
i already typed out the thing talking about how i cut the secondpart bc i didnt wanna do it and im NOT EVEN CLOSE to being done still i hate life
time to rise and grind ig
i could be studying for apush, or doing homework, or something productive, but im playing mafia

lol''s posts featuring achro

oh my fucking god he has 200 posts AHHHHH pls tell me u and achro ust like nevert talk

god dammit they interact
could be distancing but not indicative of a ton imo

replying to madeline concerning scumraeds

referring to achro here

this clarifaction reads unpartenerd to me as well. Imma be real im p sure im conf biased in like every read I make bc I do think achro/cat is the team but like u all see it too right

I like all of the inetartons between lol and achro so far they seem geunine

could be TMi, first thing i found that hard aligns lol/achro

referring to CD, but a reply to achro nonetheless

says to shoot achro at EOD, sarcastic but I donā€™t think a maf would do that to a scumbuddy esp achro

this is unrelated but i didnt se ethis post until now and like, i feel called out

achro is lolā€™s biggest TR bc of kiirumaā€™s flip, this does align them

this is also unrelated but ive played a bit of demoncrawl and really enjoyed it i didnt know u guys talked about it :(

baller post, I dontā€™ think scum would point out these flaws in their partners unless a buss was the plan which it doesnā€™t seem to be considering lol had achro as his top town before this. Hard unaligning post

this follow up is good as well

not as good now still good

these are a good series of unaligning posts imo, i feel like scum buddies would use this as a chance to build interactions and lol just saying ā€œok andā€ like the chad he is. also the three word explanation of poe to achroā€™s seemingly genunie question? already these two are lookin unaligned :kiss:

i went and ate dinner in the middle of this, should be fine but like worth noting

baller post, I dontā€™ think scum would point out these flaws in their partners unless a buss was the plan which it doesnā€™t seem to be considering lol had achro as his top town before this. Hard unaligning post
Follow up is good as well, but then he accepts achroā€™s read which doesnā€™t make it as hard an unalign but its still a really good series of posts imo

this series of posts unaligns a ton as well imo, the way they interact here just doesnā€™t really seem like how scum would interact. Theres an unspoken edginess between the two that is hard to miss, and not really how two members would interact.

Overall I donā€™t think lol was as towny as I thought he was. He was a lot in the early game but not as much in the late game. Still townier than achro tho and def not as aligned with him than catbae going off of Lolā€™s perspective. I think this is an unlikely team but it isnt like 100% not a possibility. Onto achros pov

JUST KIDDING i am skip;ping it bc I want to get his post done and he has a lot of posts
also achro/lol had a lot of back to back interactions so i feel comfortable
and also another excuse that you can fill in yourself bc i dont wanna iso another person and I still wanna do catbae for the third section

OVERALL just looking at lolā€™s posts? Iā€™d give the achro/lol team a

2.4/10 for probability

Defintely possible strictly speaking, but i donā€™t think its anywhere near as likely compared to Achro/Cat


you just gotta do cat
then you can do other things
you got this ybw

:joy_cat: (aka a cat loling(aka posts of cat's concering lol))

i think i rememberd seeing more interactions here but that was like an hour and a half ago now so lets see if my memory holds up

i couldā€™ve just like, isod each player and looked for indvidual scumminess

whack post concering lol ngl

catbae has liike barely commented on lol outside of this
aka hasnt
this is urking me maybe mi wrong

ok im def getting urked he at least interacted with achro a good amount before this even if it was wishy-washy, he has barely interacted with lol besides saying he is town
then again i think i did like the exact same thing and thought the samer thing
nvm this isnt that weird

response to lol calling catbae consensus town

im actually having doubts cat/lol could be a team

mention of lol that expresses doubt on the slot

this came from nowhere, like actually no where, catbae has not commented on lol from when he was their top townread and now he is bottom 3. this is excessively strange.

fair enough reaosning honestly and its consistent reading back, kinda unaligns him tbh bc like that is what town cat would think on lol
maybe it isnā€™t unaligning but im treating it as it is

theres no specific posts that stick out just yet bcit is like a lack of posts about lol that is a problem. Catbae does not comment on lol anywhere near as much asI thought he did and I think im realizing i was confusing him with achro. His reads on lol change very fast within a few posts with very few comments inbetween them. For example, (actually lemem quote a post rq)

lol was a top town a while before this, and was townread before these 3 posts,
that is all catbae says (click expand on the one that just says hm btw)
this reads as very strange to me bc theres such a lack of progression there on the read, it seems to just kinda go place to place.

i donā€™t know what to think anymore
i thought i was really conf biased on cat/achro but looking at these interactions they are just strange. theres not a ton of progression here. cat eventually decides lol is scum and sticks on that. it is for fair reasoning though (from their pov) so I can see the unalignment
id rate this like a


i can tell im running out of effort to want to do this but like

something is off about cat/lol
i cant tell what it is
i still townread lol
i dont know what tot hink

originally this post was gonna have two parts, onelooking at pairings and onelooking at interactions with dead scum but uhh the first part took like a long time (shouldā€™ve probably assumed that when im isoing people 3 people twice) so iā€™ll do that later. (probably) (maybe) (i think I will) (i dont think i will)

this post took me like two and a hlaf hours so you better be happy with it
i think the most likely team is cat/achro? but i honestly kinda underestimated the viability of a lol/cat team, which I think is ebntirely possible.
Lol/achro is just unlikely. You can look there, but the interactions were far more unaligning compared to the ones between cat/lol or achro/cat

and if you havenā€™t noticed by now there is a common denominator; cat. Cat aligns with both lol and achro in a fair way, and I think, looking at interactions, cat is the best shot for today. Cat also has been kinda meh overall, i only really townread them bc of an argument we had but that obvi none of my reads were good bc i did townread all of lol/achro/cat and at least two of thema re wolves, so yknow, u win some u lose some

And now, I appeal to Icet

please read this post in its entirety. Ive had multiple moments this game where iā€™ve felt you misunderstood my posts, and while i did think that was a purposeful misunderstanding previously i knopw understand that it was accidental and likely also results from my lack of communication skills. Try to read every part of this post, and if you have questions please ask them so I can clarify! If you donā€™t want to read it all, bc itā€™s a lot, i would say suck it up but like if u actually dont have time or something just skimming is fine. I know I am town, and I think i am onto something here. At the end of the day, it is your shot, but I think you should take all of the time you have and try to make the most informed decision. If you miss shoot, its ok and no one is gonna be mad at you for it. I trust you to make the right call <3

alright im done cooking


im gonna go now i dont wanna think anymore (will be like monitering thread but i will in no way be actively posting unless it is questions)

Holy shit i wish i had that much WIM right now. What a legend.

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If its cat and not ybw then ybw is a legend tbh

whatā€™s WIM

ā€œwant it moreā€ which is some newfangled word for effort/will to win basically

wdym newafangled ive seen it since ive started playing FM

im town and you know it scumlord

I just posted 1300 times in another game that just ended

Fuck yes. Lets go 2/2

Me being wolf is inpossible. Cd didnt replace 5 minutes into the game

Checkmate atheists

hey achro do you believe in Cat / Lol teams