You should shoot Magnus

Hey, you’re here for EOD.

Tbf she said you do have good reads so go with your gut. I don’t know y’all enough to make an accurate judge of character, but I’m willing to take that risk if you pick me o7

I might just be wrong on Achro

There’s 45 mins left

how is that wild

Good good. Let the hatred flow through you.



Suspecting me when i am probably mostly right day 1 is a rite of passage.

Maybe it’s because she’s said the opposite of what I think is true haha. Just seems like jumping to conclusions to me.

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I don’t think w!Achro would say this blatantly, if he wouldn’t want to look “opposed” to dying.

Remind me of your reads again?

You only know that because you have tmi weh

Still if you do decide to shoot me…

i embrace it.

If you do, let me know your second pick before you die. I’ll take it into consideration.

the amount of people town reading Kiiruma is god damn too high


Famous last words before kiiruma sends litten to kitty heaven for shooting him

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Why do you scumread Kiiruma?

Is it just meta that you expect Kiiruma to be more aggro than this?

i think scum kiiruma is practicing suspecting town for the first time and fumbled the bag.

Sounds mean to say but

He town read someone without reading their posts. Which okay, I’ve seen worse from town. Could be town who is just weird.

But they focused a lot on achro this game, had a list of suspects that they didn’t about at all prior to posting it, which makes me think they were mafia with TMI

What alignment do you think the suspects are?