Popcorny Mafia ๐Ÿฟ (GAME OVER, MAFIA VICTORY)

Mandatory Question:


Favorite ice cream flavor?

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Case magnus


Mint chocolate chip

Never heard of that one!

What is it?

Good choice, yes yes

Choco Vanilla Strawberry


Who would you shoot right now?

Oooh Iโ€™ve heard that one as Cosmopolitan

What do you like most about it?

I dont feel like isoing

I summed it up well

lemon vanilla or cherry

variety of flavors

Donโ€™t ISO it

I donโ€™t want a long case, my attention span isnโ€™t long enough for that

Just give me a high level summary of why you scumread magnus

If youโ€™ve already posted it, just copy paste it again for me xD

Cherry is goated tbh

Who would you shoot if you had the gun right now btw??

prolly like


which is a very random assortment of names

icet strikes me as weird overaggressive inexperienced townie. has an entitlement that is probably real. achro doesnโ€™t feel like heโ€™s playing to an agenda and i kind of expect he gets spewed at some point by the people i expect to flip scum. lol if scum is townsiding so hard it would be a losing game for him

i would still shoot lhf my poe does not change much since u werent as suspected by me after u started popping off late d1

if crazynuto was town you would think there would be at least 1 player defending the but all it means is that everyone thinks theyre scum and even scum dont want to defend them

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would shoot nut or CD but CD is getting replaced so ur call

Favorite ice cream flavor?

Also you mentioned meta on Icet?

What was that about, donโ€™t link stuff, can you just summarize what you saw, high level for me?