Litten who are all the wolves
May has been daykilled by zugzwang, but the bullet bounces off!
You win when all wolves are dead.
zugzwang dies, and May gets the gun.
Wolves have reached parity, so Wolves (leafia) win!
automated post
You know, you should rename the wolfchat the Vortox chat
Just thought of it.
zugzwang has the gun! Shots will open soon.
Shots opened.
I know you did from last time. Shoot May.
/shoot @vortoxfia
Shot on vortoxfia is not valid; their name may be mispelled.
automated post
I’m making all mentions of wolf say vortox on a toggle
I can’t lie so.I’m not the Vortox.
May has been daykilled by zugzwang!
You win when you reach parity with the town.
zugzwang keeps their gun.
All wolves are dead, so Town wins!
automated post
There’s your proof too.
ok I think I should sleep now nya nya nya
Okay and good night. Thanks for letting us test your bot too. It was a lot of fun.
what the hell why is there 700 new messges