Popcorny Mafia - TURBO (FULL)


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Add me in if you’re still doing this.

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I was just testing formatting, but I’m down to play if we get enough people

Ah okay and good. Please let me know if we do.

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Want to join in?

Compiled some stats about last night’s popcorn games

Leafia is the undisputed GOAT at everything. She’s shot the least as wolf (only 25% of the time), misfired at the least at as VT (only 36% of the time), and hits the most correct shots as gunbearer (60% of the time). 66.67% winrate.


do i remake signups and have a designated time

  • yes
  • no

0 voters

I caught wolf Leafia 20% of the time I was able, Zug caught her 14.29% of the time he wass able, Gar caught her 33% of the time Gar was able.

Wolf Gar was always shot, and Gar and I always shot wolf Zug.

Gar and I never misfired at t!Leafia. t!Leafia never misfired at t!Gar and t!Zug, while t!Zug always misfired at them.

Zug preferred to shoot Gar and Eaves when he could, then me and Leafia.
I more often shot Gar and Zug over Leafia, and never shot Eaves.
Leafia most often shot Zug, then me and Eaves, and never Gar.
Gar shot Zug most, then me, then Leafia.

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also I was town in all of those games tbthbthtbhtbt the bot just made an error

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bot errors

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unchristian post not fit for the F of L

When i play popcorn mafia, nobody bats an eye. but when i play COPPORN mafia, suddenly, the world goes crazy


Here’s an overall read correctness stat. It’s the number of times you read the person correctly (either shooting them as wolf or NOT shooting them as town) over the number of opportunities you had to shoot that person.

The “total” row here differs from the hit% stat on the previous sheet cause the hit% one just counts “wolves shot / opportunities to shoot wolf”, meaning hit% averages 50% in a 3-player game (two people to shoot, one wolf), 33% in a 4-player game (three people to shoot, one wolf), and 50% again in a 5-player game (four people to shoot, two wolves) - it doesn’t give you “credit” for harder games.

In a 3-player game, your total correctness is either 0% or 100%. You were wrong or you weren’t. Meanwhile, shooting a villager in a 4-player game gives you 33% total correctness (you incorrectly shot the villager, you incorrectly failed to shoot the wolf, you correctly didn’t shoot the third villager), and shooting a wolf gives 100%, meaning you average 55.6% correctness in a 4-player game.

In a 5-player game, you get 25% correctness for shooting a villager (failed to shoot both wolves, shot a villager, but you did avoid shooting one villager) and 75% correctness for shooting a wolf (got the villagers and one wolf correct, but there was a wolf you didn’t shoot). You still average 50% correctness, but you can’t make 0% or 100%.

All this proves that I’m the GOAT at Popcorn mafia. I’m also hungry for popcorn all of a sudden.

Although that’s something we already knew from when I shot three wolves as starting gunbearer in that one Popcorny game.

Good night now. :sleepingleafeon:

you may be the goat but im the greatest to ever do it

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Not as good as I am.

We still doing this eventually? @Garfooled

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