Prehistoric Purgatory - Game Over: Town wins

he’s voting zone right now though


most people here are aware so sorry if i seemed rude but i hope u understand why i tested you for tmi there
i think mafia would’ve handled that differently and been much stiffer

yeah I see that lmao

But of course.
Welp. I found me three wolves. Two to go.

I wasn’t actually aware

I also assume moose wasn’t

no worries thanks for explaining

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Are you trying to tell me hippo is a wolf

but that’s not enough for a full team


I mean

If you’re referring to people explaining it in scum chat I feel like that probably isn’t something that they would just talk about?

I have hippo on my town end, can you explain why you read hippo as wolf


im not gonna read dota even if i should but what i will say dont send him to hell or heaven so he can keep posting bangers for me thanks

it was in popcorn if i remember right
should’ve caught dota on it since they knew but hadn’t played with me before

I don’t have the brain cells to know what that means

it was a hydra game lmao

oh i’m a dumbass
was it discussed in scumchat tho

I dont
Understand this what
