Public Moderation Logs

@Alice has been permanently banned for heavy toxicity, with a history of similar behavior.

@Wazza has been suspended for 1 month for repeated toxicity.

In addition to this, @Wazza will be signup blacklisted for 2 months after their ban expires.

This was decided at the time of the initial ban. This is a blacklist for a violation of Game Rules, as opposed to a violation of the Global Forum Rules.

@Icibalus has been indefinitely blacklisted from hosting for repeatedly failing to meet FoL hosting standards.

@eevee has been sign-ups blacklisted for 1 month for discussing substitutions after a warning to not do so.

This blacklist expires September 21st, 2022.

@Zorvo has been partially blacklisted from hosting due to extreme failures to live up to our site hosting standards during UFO FM, which continued after repeated warnings. This blacklist prevents him from main hosting FM or Misc games, but not from co-hosting games.

This blacklist may be appealed once he has co-hosted three games, if he lives up to our hosting standards.

@Leafia has been signup blacklisted for 3 months for excessive AtE, as well as discussing and weaponizing reports to gain an advantage

This expires January 4th, 2023

@Aleph has been signup blacklisted for 3 months due to flaking.

This blacklist will expire on Saturday, February 25th, 2023.

@WindwardAway has been temporarily demodded and signup blacklisted for 1 month for pretending/attempting to gamethrow. This violates rule 11 of the Global Rules, as well as rule 4 of the Forum Game Rules:

  1. Don’t abuse loopholes. Don’t voice intent to break the rules or trick other users into doing so. Pretending to violate the rules may be treated as if you had actually violated the rule.
  1. Do not gamethrow or sabotage games. You are expected to play towards the win-condition that you have, not the win-condition that you want. Do not join games with the sole intent to troll.

@CRichardFortressLies has been indefinitely signup blacklisted for repeated rulebreaks despite moderator action, including weaponizing moderators, and public discussion of rulebreaks/reports during an ongoing game.

@Zorvo has been sign-up blacklisted for 3 months for discussing ongoing games and attemping to pre-game. This is effective immediately and expires 2023-05-26T06:00:00Z

@Zone_Q11 has been signup blacklisted for 1 month for gamethrowing - most recently in ENA Genie 13er.

This does not affect ongoing games.

@ParticleMan was permanently banned on May 24th for being an alt of the banned user @Alice.

@dota has been permanently banned for repeat rulebreaks despite moderator action, including a very recent final warning for using an ableist slur, and joking about rape in the Wild West 2 spec chat.

@Marshal has been blacklisted from specifically forum mafia games until March 28, 2026 by personal request. Unlike a standard blacklist, this will not apply to Miscs.

As of April 10, 2024, this has been amended to also include high-intensity Miscs (such as BotF and Danganronpa).

@Zone_Q11 has been signup blacklisted for 6 months for threatening to get himself modkilled in FAM3, after a history of similar behavior. In addition, he will be temporarily removed from the review team during this period.

This does not affect ongoing games.

@Memes (Guillotina) has been indefinitely banned from both the site and Discord for transphobia on the FoL Discord server.

As a reminder, conduct on servers affiliated with the site is still subject to the global rules.

@N.1 has been indefinitely blacklisted from playing FM and FM-like miscs by personal request.

Addendum: As of 07/10/2024, this now includes all miscs, as well as hosting. This can be appealed when school is not in session.

@Treasure (Zorvo) and associated accounts have been indefinitely banned for an extensive history of toxicity.

This is appealable after one year if they have shown improved behavior on other sites and we are confident this will not occur again.

@baker has been sign-up blacklisted for 1 month for discussing an ongoing game (Splatfest) in another game (Stellaris) after a history of similar behavior.

This blacklist is effective as of 2023-12-23T08:00:00Z and will expire 2024-01-23T08:00:00Z