Public Moderation Logs

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Rules and Moderation

All users agree to the Terms of Service and are required to follow the Global Rules and Forum Game Rules.

All violations are handled on a case-by-case basis by the Mod Team. Type of moderation depends on the severity of the rulebreak, as well as the user’s history. Potential actions are as follows:

  • Warning - not listed in Public Moderation Logs
  • Silence (for certain offenses only, such as spam) - not listed in Public Moderation Logs
  • Signup blacklists
  • Alt blacklists
  • Hosting blacklists
  • Temporary bans
  • Permanent bans

Forum Game Blacklists

User Blacklist Type Reason Duration Issued (mm/dd/yy) Expiration (mm/dd/yy)
Marshal Signup Requested 6 months (appealed) 12/04/21 (06/01/22)
illwei Signup Requested 2 months 12/10/21 02/10/22
GGhana Signup Requested 3 months (appealed) 03/02/22 (06/01/22)
Trochilidae Signup (FM only) Requested 2 months 05/15/22 07/15/22
Aleph Signup Flaking 1 month 05/22/22 06/22/22
Wazza Signup Excessive AtE + Toxicity 2 months 08/16/22 10/16/22
eevee Signup Discussing substitutions 1 month 08/21/22 09/21/22
Icibalus Hosting Flaking on responsibilities Indefinite 08/28/22
Leafia Signup AtE + Weaponizing reports 3 months 10/04/22 01/04/23
Zorvo Hosting Failing to meet host expectations Indefinite until appealed 10/07/22
Aleph Signup Flaking 3 months 11/25/22 02/25/23
WindwardAway Signup Gamethrowing 1 month 11/29/22 12/29/22
CRichardFortressLies Signup Weaponizing moderators Indefinite 02/01/23
Zorvo Signup Ongoing game discussion 3 months 02/25/23 05/25/23
Zone_Q11 Signup Gamethrowing 1 month 04/30/23 05/31/23
Marshal Signup Requested 1000 days 07/01/23 03/28/26
Zone_Q11 Signup Threatening Modkill 6 months 07/02/23 01/02/24
N.1 Signup and Hosting Requested Indefinite 10/29/23
baker Signup Ongoing game discussion 1 month 12/23/23 01/23/24
pandora Signup Requested 1 month 02/25/24 03/25/24
Marluna Signup Gamethrowing 1 month 03/11/24 04/11/24
Wazza Signup Toxicity 3 months 06/29/24 09/29/24
Luka Signup Requested Until Jul 1 07/05/24 07/01/25
Leafia Signup Requested 2 months 07/31/24 10/01/24
Willow Hosting Requested 3 months 10/10/2024 1/10/2025

Indefinite blacklists last until said player has proven they have changed and have appealed directly with the Mod Team.

Blacklisted players may only sub into forum games in the event the game cannot be run without them, and the host gives permission.


User Reason Duration Issued (mm/dd/yy) Expiration (mm/dd/yy)
Leafia Personal request 1 month 02/28/22 03/28/22
BradLand Toxicity 1 month 03/30/22 04/30/22
dota Inappropriate behavior + Racism 9 months 04/03/22 01/03/23
Alice Toxicity Permanent 07/13/22
Wazza Toxicity 1 month 07/16/22 08/16/22
dota Inappropriate behavior Permanent 06/07/23
Memes Transphobia Indefinite 07/07/23
Zorvo Toxicity Indefinite 12/26/23
Crescent Toxicity 1 month 01/24/24 02/24/24
Marshal Inappropriate posts 1 month (appealed) 02/06/24 (02/20/24)
Brakuren Toxicity + AtE 3 months 02/24/24 05/24/24
ImaginaryNeon Graphic and Inappropriate Posts Indefinite 04/05/24
Brakuren Toxicity Indefinite 07/10/24
CRichardFortressLies Political & Religious Discussion 3 months 09/23/24 12/23/24
Marshal Posting homophobic slurs in a deliberate attempt to be banned 1 month 12/01/24 01/01/25

Users who wish to appeal may DM a member of the Mod Team on Discord.

Users who are sitebanned will be banned from the Discord server as well.

Please do not discuss moderation decisions publicly, or attempt to appeal someone else’s case.


@Marshal has been signup blacklisted until June 1st, 2022 for attempting to steal Piper and Honeycat.

(this blacklist was done by request)


@illwei has been signup blacklisted for 2 months for being an illegal katze alt

(this blacklist was also done by request)


@Leafia has been banned for 1 month by personal request. This is effective immediately and expires on March 28, 2022.

@GGhana has been signup blacklisted until June 1st by personal request.

@BradLand has been suspended for 1 month for repeated toxicity

@dota has been suspended for 9 months for repeat rulebreaks, including posting inappropriate content both on the forums and the discord server, as well as blatant bigotry/racism.

@GGhana’s signup blacklist has been lifted after an approved appeal.

@Marshal’s signup blacklist has been lifted after an approved appeal.

@Trochilidae has been blacklisted for two months by personal request. This blacklist is effective immediately and will expire on July 15, 2022.

This blacklist applies only to FM games and not to Miscs.

@Aleph has been signup blacklisted for 1 month for repeated flaking.

This is effective immediately and expires June 22nd, 2022

@Alice has been permanently banned for heavy toxicity, with a history of similar behavior.

@Wazza has been suspended for 1 month for repeated toxicity.

In addition to this, @Wazza will be signup blacklisted for 2 months after their ban expires.

This was decided at the time of the initial ban. This is a blacklist for a violation of Game Rules, as opposed to a violation of the Global Forum Rules.

@Icibalus has been indefinitely blacklisted from hosting for repeatedly failing to meet FoL hosting standards.

@eevee has been sign-ups blacklisted for 1 month for discussing substitutions after a warning to not do so.

This blacklist expires September 21st, 2022.

@Zorvo has been partially blacklisted from hosting due to extreme failures to live up to our site hosting standards during UFO FM, which continued after repeated warnings. This blacklist prevents him from main hosting FM or Misc games, but not from co-hosting games.

This blacklist may be appealed once he has co-hosted three games, if he lives up to our hosting standards.

@Leafia has been signup blacklisted for 3 months for excessive AtE, as well as discussing and weaponizing reports to gain an advantage

This expires January 4th, 2023

@Aleph has been signup blacklisted for 3 months due to flaking.

This blacklist will expire on Saturday, February 25th, 2023.