Purgatory II - TOWN VICTORY!

Also how does your theory grow really. If eliza is scum then town gets an extra hell phase.

I’m referring to this: (Reality 1)

Unlikley w/w pairs (w/w means both wolfs)

Notes: Think otters early mentions of paranoia here doesnt come in a w/w situation honestly even more when it just leads to more questipns in a team where they dont want that.


Note: Mimic pushing slot (whilenonly slightly) over last few days however if you look how eliza treats the slot doesnt feel w/w

Weak not w/w
Notes: not just the EoD votes but i think rawk handeled the interactions with Pigeon in a towny mannor even before pigeon was at risk. Think is a slightly good look there. (Only worry here is that pigeon was here at eod and didnt self pres)

Pairings to look at
Think day 2 hell these two have pairing posts where if we send eliza to heaven and shes wolf i am turboing syrup. Defenses are halfed and defended with multiple not a town read but.

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Wait thete was posts as i was back reading wrf

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Should have done so earlyier


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So are you clearing syrup then btw? :thinking:
If they arnt in either team you see?

Regardless think backreadimg is needed
Read isos of people that havnt talked go look at how they treated flips slots tbh

Amma finish work now

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I noticed that no one jumped to Syrup’s defense, so I feel like they may be town. Mafia have to defend each other here. I don’t think they’re town-town, but they’re not on my list of ppl to beam to hell. there are more sus ppl imo

Eliza did

Also id look at who was online at that time if thats the case as had alotnof people mot around

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I am playing now, that’s what is most important.

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Oh did Eliza defend them? I must’ve missed it

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Ya would suggest looking back but also alot of work.

Is in eliza ISO


Ah I’ll look into it at some point. Thank you!

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But also has levels of sus in it tbh.

Though does make you one of the three activly playing game now so atleast theres that.

who do you want to send to float with little angel litten today?

Can anwser more soon about to drive :red_car:

Honest anwser is idk fully who is best to send as all options have posatives and. Negatives

gamers i forgot about rhe game

what phase is if. what year is it

VOTE: achro sus

