Purgatory II - TOWN VICTORY!

Hi. What happened with the town slip

Can we pls vote this slot out D1? Thanks


VOTE: dangerouslitter

I havent been reading i was eating a kebab

It wasn’t a town slip in the first place and I don’t know why people are constructing it as such

  • L
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so like the last time when you voted them out when you were town and you thought they faked a townslip

  • L

So your saying everything Litten said has been correct

Is Jade in this game?

Dunno I haven’t read his posts

  • L

I forget what their forum name is, but they’re a Discord friend. Speaking of Peach, I am worried my royal friend may be mafia. Last time they experienced “low wim”, they were scum. It’s possible they forgot about the game, but it certainly doesn’t win them any town points in my book
@PrincessPeach Say it isn’t so

God you are just me half way across the world huh

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VOTE: PrincessDaisy

I like to think that we really haven’t done anything wrong and we made it obvious that we are town solely off the hydra aspect but I guess not.

  • L

Litten stated you knew there was 5 maf but had a malfunction moment @Litten tell me if i am wrong with that.
Was that the case

I like your pfp

stricly speaking I made an assumption, they never out right stated it.

  • L


What assumption?

hey wait princess peach is a discord friend?

This is again very scummy, if you can point it out it’s obvious you can replicate this behavior

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