Purgatory II - TOWN VICTORY!

Any of these thoughts would’ve been fine to hear. I just didn’t like how things were discussed behind the scenes. Making logic jumps outside of thread doesn’t help us solve. Think of it like you’re taking a math test: Teachers pester you to show your work because they want to know you understand what you’re doing every step of the way. Especially when the game is social, the only way we’re going to reach a conclusion is to be open with our reads. If we all made logic jumps behind the scenes, we’d probably lose. Wolves could just lie and say “oh yeah I suddenly trust this person and don’t have to elaborate on why”.

I mean no hate to either of you in your duo, but I am just letting you know now that not being transparent about your thoughts and reads will not earn you my trust. If you want to keep playing as you are, you will just have to accept my distrust on you. Don’t feel like you have to bend over backwards for me. I’m just 1 person with 1 vote

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i feel like I could ping any 4 people in this game and say “nightmare blunt rotation” and get 2 quadrillion likes

My brain hurts

I read them! Please share your thoughts!

Thread going in circles.

Daisy likely town with how they have been responding however gonna double check something about their past game in a second for noting.

None of this makes sense to me.

We are disscusing behind the scenes to solve things. We don’t lay out everything perfectly for everyone to see No one does that, that would be ludicrious and insane, and trust me, you don’t want to hear all my thoguhts because there are too many and are conflicting. I think we have made it quite clear that we are discussing and actually solving each other solely off the last couple posts i’ve made. not to mention, some of those thoughts were posted in the thread already, some of them weren’t.

I’ll fight on your behalf

the point of a hydra is to try to solve with somebody who knows your allignment or use your syngergies to obv town yourself as wolf of course we want to solve in thread together

A mafia player cfd’d onto town. This is what happened to their organs

The point of a hydra is to have a good time

That’s fair, and I’m not claiming that they can’t hydra or solve together. All I was requesting was more transparency. You can Hydra and be transparent imo

This is t!Daisy.

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Caitlin (1): PrincessAbigail

which side of the ring are you on

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chinese fire drill
where you switch to a player at eod along with others

i like the chain of flaming death myself

cwick fote dwagon

No it’s not like “weh I’m not gonna share my thoughts” it’s like “I literally can’t find where I was to continue reading”

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which we’re trying to do

most of our wagon isn’t even here so it’s our burden to make ourselves obvious town to the people who are actually playing the game so if anyone has any question feel free to ask
of course a lot of you will be mafia anyway but