Purgatory II - TOWN VICTORY!

Is Achro fine for D2 hell?

to be fair thats kinda like
half the game too

it’s why i called captain mafia too
and i knew it would get them to vote me

Yes. I’m fine with that. If they don’t really do anything more.

  • Luka


Why not

Achro or Pigeon can go D2 then yay

VOTE: pigeon

VOTE: Pigeon

Keep the votes on litter guys

They’re sadly probably town

@lol if you think im town are you going to vote to save me


Just. It’s for my own selfish reasons, I’d prefer for you not to self vote since it makes me feel like I’ve forced you into doing it given the thread state at the moment.

  • Luka


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I will not change my opinion that close to the end, i don’t want to be indecisive

I think she selfvoted cuz I called her wolf Idk

She knows I usually TR her when she selfvotes

So she probably did so to try to make me TR her

If litter isn’t out by d1 they should be out on the next hell phase

I don’t think I’m gonna vote here tbh. I am feeling unsure. Unless there is like another sudden swing

abigail will probably nail the coffin in us for this but the last time they self voted they were wolf