Purgatory - Town Win!

I was onto Abbi lowkey I wish I lived
I had no clue about Luka though I can see why he lived to the end last game LOL


Is that why you’re voting him now?

I’ve been in two games with Luka and both times he was scum
lightning always strikes in the same place every time

Mmm I think it’s unlikely? I can’t remember the last time I got misyeeted as town (2+ years?)


Is Luka the type of wolf you don’t think you’ll ever catch, or have you started seeing patterns/signs in his play?

that was more of a “do you want to go to hell”
uhhh but I don’t think I’ll get misyeeted either cuz two people in this lobby know me pretty well
unless they’re scum

it’s hard for me to catch someone when I don’t know what their town AND wolf play is like and I’ve never played with t!Luka
unless I am rn LOL but he hasn’t spoken yet

some people are really obviously polarised even if you haven’t seen one side of them before the game but I doubt Luka is one of those people

Phone posting from my kitchen now cuz I’m hungy

Oh lol

Honestly, this is my first time (lots of first times lel) playing this set-up and I’m kind of a mech potato. If I get sent to Hell, wouldn’t that lower town’s chances of yeeting wolves? Like, limited slots and stuff. :thinking: But even disregarding that, the longer wolves hide, the easier it is for town to get discouraged/lose their temper/make biased reads (based on experience). So I don’t want to.

If you were going to get sent to Hell but could choose the time: would you rather it be earlier or later?


I was helping my mom with something

But I’m here now

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Can’t believe there’s an awkward RVS vote


Tfw I’m seeing likes on posts appear

Who else is there besides me? A ghost?


Greetings sirs and sirrettes.

[Vote]no execution[/v]

We don’t have enough info yet. I propose we wait.

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I hope you’re unserious


This is a really good response but I’m fully memeing nobody wants to go to hell

My bad. I didn’t mean to write that.

VOTE: no execution


Also its been a while since we played, Tutuu

This time I won’t replace out lol

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  1. No exe should be disabled
  2. Why would you no exe in a nightless setup
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I guess I’d say later? Just so I get to play more of the game because I enjoy playing it