Purgatory - Town Win!

I am indeed town

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Game is unfun without ppl dieing tbh

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but dying is bad :(

:thinking: Depends on who the wolves are?

From my experience, wolves tend to hit those with the “opposite” thread position as them (ie vocal wolves would kill inactives/lowposters, while lurking wolves would kill town leaders). But more often than not, it’s the “generally townread” townies with accurate reads or have a reputation of being tough that get NK-ed on N1.

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actually if we’re in purgatory ig we’re all already dead

It is unwise to be sent to hell

Hell is just… the day phase, rlly. Do you wanna be voted out during the day as either alignment? Probably not. So it’s the same for hell phase-

I have played this setup lots and it’s more like regular ones then you’d expect

Heaven similarily functions the same as nights because well usually a townie will die lol. Usually they’re less active than hell phase because I assum ppl will see it as ‘less important’

Also personally I’m more worried over mafia winning through parity and a missed kill there then, then through 2 members being sent to Heaven. I think I am yet to see a single mafia win happen through Heaven xD

I can’t wait for the wolves to NK without a night kill ability

(There are no nights Psyx)


votes you

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wolves trying to night kill when there’s no night and everyone is dead

Ooooo what ya eating? :thinking:
This will determine your alignment



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pizza rolls and a monster

well ig I’m not eating the monster actually I’m drinking it

That’s what I tried to say with it being nightless lol

Would call this a townslip but, despite the odds of this being faked I also could just see a mafia not knowing this as well


I don’t understand what u mean by this. Are you saying it’s necessary for town to keep you alive for some reason?

if you kill a town that’s an execution you wasted where you could have killed a wolf

from Psyx’s perspective, they know they are town, so they know them dying is bad

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Hello everyone! I am here but I cannot promise alot of activity today as its thanksgiving(◞‸◟)

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