Questions FM - GAME OVER (Mafia Victory)

Thats a double Ew from me Kii

D1 Vote Count

Voted Voter Count
Blizer Kiiruma 1/7
EliThePsycho JakeTheWolfie 1/7
Kiiruma Blizer 1/7
[Not voting] YoubutWorse, Aelin, EliThePsycho, Leafia, Jarek, clonedcheese, Hippopablompoyeetus, GoodQuestion, eevee, MokaJoe 10

That’s nice, but, like, idc too much rn?
It’s like… 20 mins into the day.
I’m gonna have some chill time while figuring out actually good things to say.

I’m gonna do some conditional questions for Zone to enjoy I think.


Something like:

Is my (insert type of) ability a Communicative ability?

If answer to question 1 is yes:
Is my (insert type of) ability an ability which can commute a target?

If my answer to question 1 is no:
Is my ability aa role-changing ability?

I think that would only count as 2 questions, not 3 if you do it like that.

If you do conditionals you can submit technically 10 questions which would only count as 4.
And therefore would work well to eliminate possibilities or to narrow down things if ya get it correct quickly.

Pretty sure you ask the questions in your classcard like I did.

Heck you could do more than 10 conditionals using that logic if you really wanted to go for it but Zone’s gonna want to kill you.

As they will do me when I do this

This is correct, I was giving examples Leaf.
Since it’s… much better to discuss things before you submit them lol

Ah okay and fair enough.

Let’s see what happens when I do this: /vote Eevee @Host_Account_1

Calling all Eevees! @eevee

If I do my conditionals how I’m planning… then…

Question 1 will just be a simple 1 part thing.
Question 2 will have 2 parts to it (1 which is a yes to question 1, 1 which is a no)
Question 3 will have 3 parts (1 which is a yes to 1 and 2, 1 which is a yes to 1 but not 2, 1 which is a no to both)
Question 4 will have 5 parts (1 which is a yes to 1, 2, 3. A second which is a yes to 1, 2 but not 3. A third which is a yes to 1 and 3 but not 2. A fourth which is a yes to 1 but not 2 or 3. A fifth which is a no to all.)

So… 11 parts to my 4 questions.

Actually scratch that, it’s worse

No conditionals questions.
In your example, you have asked 3 questions.

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If I was Zone, I’d consider conditional like that to be more than 4 questions.

Aw heck… gdi I thought we could do conditionals and that’d be fine from the other thread, oh well.

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D1 Vote Count

Voted Voter Count
Blizer Kiiruma 1/7
eevee Leafia 1/7
EliThePsycho JakeTheWolfie 1/7
Kiiruma Blizer 1/7
[Not voting] YoubutWorse, Aelin, EliThePsycho, Jarek, clonedcheese, Hippopablompoyeetus, GoodQuestion, eevee, MokaJoe 9

I was looking to what apparently Zone said to another player in the old game and going off that :frowning:
Now I need to work out what to do

Ah and okay. Good luck with that.

I thought I was gonna be clever and helpful lol.
But I can see why Zone wouldn’t accept it too because that would sure be a bit of a pain

hello fellow kids :sunglasses: