Questions FM - GAME OVER (Mafia Victory)

True true. Laughs

a very true statement

i just woke up

sry for not being super online, i had work yesterday, and i was super tired and went to bed early

Welcome up and it’s fine.


I’m self resolving

Everyone self resolves when thrown out of a window.


True. True.

I feel comfortable if Hippo dies today. He seems to be a middle gray between replaced out Cloned-Osieorb and Aelin in terms of what information he should have, and what information his death will provide.

He has been around long enough to have sufficient opportunity to interact, however he has also not taken up those opportunities presented to him.

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D1 Vote Count

Voted Voter Count
GoodQuestion Aelin, Leafia 2/7
EliThePsycho YoubutWorse 1/7
Hippopablompoyeetus JakeTheWolfie 1/7
Jarek Blizer 1/7
Kiiruma Jarek 1/7
Leafia Kiiruma 1/7
YoubutWorse EliThePsycho 1/7
[Not voting] Osieorb18, eevee, MokaJoe, GoodQuestion, Hippopablompoyeetus 5

EOD is at 2022-01-23T18:00:00Z

Fine time to bring some spicy reads

Jakes town from what I’ve seen

Going to head out for a bit but I should be back by EoD.


Jakes more likely town than you, I haven’t seen any reasoning from u why u were on me at SoD or u reply to any of my posts where as jake was actually asking questions so trying to find my alignment

Oh other ppl also dislike Jake

I feel like I’m probbaly dead if they’re the cw to me tbh, set me up in a 1v1 with someone else

but ur mis representing or misunderstanding my meta if u say I’m outspoken d1 when town bt

My last town game (sorc 17 a month ago) I was majority wagon at EoD 1 and only survived to coinflip lol

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lol u capping. Selfvote then

i just realized EoD is in about 2 hours and 20 minutes

Help me execute Hippo here.

Let me look at hippo here


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Cause hippo has given IRL stuff, and hes been busy, he hasnt been super active d1

idk how a wagon started on him, so i gotta look at that again and the reasons to why (I know it died out, but it had 3 people on it at one point)

Idk, his posts are okay so far

mmm i wanna see how spicy this EoD gets tbh, thats actually where we could see something from him thats pretty AI tbh