Queue Discussion Thread


my argument after someone posts the nerd emoji


We changed our mind because we’re an inseparable, dysfunctional team.


(Blind Man’s Bluff was just the script name. We’re going with Mathematician’s Hell now.)

id rather personally play high stress pie lol
at least its a quality meme

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Hey guys, I apologimize if I didn’t need to ask this but—

Was this forgotten?
I wasn’t sure if I had to keep waiting or had to bring it up!


You usually need to add it to the OP. I can do it for you now if you don’t know how to do that.

Oh I don’t know what you mean by that, if it’s no trouble for you I’d appreciate it
I could do it myself if you let me know how though


I wouldn’t mind doing it for you, then. It’s a wiki thread, meaning anyone can edit it. In the future, just file your games under the correct category.

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What does this mean?

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not many players
and short i guess

you want me to post the uh signup thread thing?
i have it ready

Which type of game is it?

No, I don’t think you should do that yet. I don’t know which sort of game this is.

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Oh probably Vanilla then

So it’s a regular Mafia game?

Not at all, besides like, having goons and townies
It has heaven and hell phases, no night phase


This is a vanilla game. Does your game fall under this type?
Including the open/semi-open part.

Probably under Misc then?

So it will either fall under “special” or “miscellaneous”. Which one do you think fits your game better?