Queue Discussion Thread

id rather personally play high stress pie lol
at least its a quality meme

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Hey guys, I apologimize if I didn’t need to ask this but—

Was this forgotten?
I wasn’t sure if I had to keep waiting or had to bring it up!


You usually need to add it to the OP. I can do it for you now if you don’t know how to do that.

Oh I don’t know what you mean by that, if it’s no trouble for you I’d appreciate it
I could do it myself if you let me know how though


I wouldn’t mind doing it for you, then. It’s a wiki thread, meaning anyone can edit it. In the future, just file your games under the correct category.

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What does this mean?

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not many players
and short i guess

you want me to post the uh signup thread thing?
i have it ready

Which type of game is it?

No, I don’t think you should do that yet. I don’t know which sort of game this is.

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Oh probably Vanilla then

So it’s a regular Mafia game?

Not at all, besides like, having goons and townies
It has heaven and hell phases, no night phase


This is a vanilla game. Does your game fall under this type?
Including the open/semi-open part.

Probably under Misc then?

So it will either fall under “special” or “miscellaneous”. Which one do you think fits your game better?

Yea probably Misc

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No power roles

It doesn’t necessarily need power roles to be a special game, since it has those heaven and hell gimmicks, but you know your game better than I do. I’ll add it to the misc queue for you.
@May do you concur?

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Let me know if you need me to make any more changes for you, Gar.

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