Queue Discussion Thread

It will work as a stamp of approval however

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It simply doesn’t work, that sucks

The edges needed to be cut,
But that’ll do donkeh, that’ll do

(I just wanted to reference Shrek… Not call you a donkeh)

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Zone’s conscience: “So, who’s going to tell them that none of your “WIP” games are actually WIP?”

Zone himself: “Eh. I’ll wait until Restless Spirits gets approved. That **** has been there for way too long.”

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It’s finally time for Eliza to be the host who hosts two games at once. Nice. :sunglasses:

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Okay, do you want the 15’er or the 26’er mini-mash? @ElizaThePsycho

15er first

26er should probably wait until some time passes

Alright. Will you be the only reviewer?


Unless you want another

No. One person is good enough.

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U can add me to the PM or something

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Wherever you keep it

Hey, so uh… I moved my mini-mash setup out of WIP as well.
Didn’t notice the Special Queue had dried out tbh.
Has it really been that long already?

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there are no other games in the Misc queue so Airlock can open whenever – it will obviously need a cohost to run, theoretically signups can open before that point but it’s up to the host’s decision whether he wants to open them and find a cohost during signups or wait for someone to volunteer

(ccing @N.1)


Thank you for the CC. I would prefer to wait to open signups until after I have procured a co-host. I need to be refreshed on how discourse formatting works before reposting the OP, and also there will likely be some balance changes from the discussion thread on the setup from the old site that I would like to work through with the co-host before opening signups.


oh god oh fuck