Queue Discussion Thread

Ritual Mafia 4?

goated game



You’ve heard her

is the flavor gonna have traditional horror elements?

After 21 non-Trouble Brewing BoTFs.

Yep. Finally.
Return to basics.

Perhaps Trouble Brewing Expert Mode next BoTF.

I don’t like Expert Mode. I just like the characters it adds, but I think they work better in a custom script.


i know this is old sorry but
Last year one of my housemates discovered marble olympics and made us all watch it
we ended up watching it from several years and betting on teams
I remember betting on the same shitty green duck team every time
I think I lost at least 5 pounds


he took it super seriously one time we were wearing suits for the occasion


fuck yes! fuck yes! ritual mafia!

i remember marblelympics… shudders… team mafia has never been so pepega

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town won, therefore we all played super well and competently


did i play in marblelympics
i dont remember
if my brain destroyed my memory of it its probably for good reason because i had a bad time

Uhhh I think so??? Mighta been with mist/th or I’m misremembering

Finally submitted my game, thx @Zone_Q11 I stole your op :p

Splatfest is real?

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yeah! I mean, I wanted to run this game on my home site but it’s a tad smaller than we usually go, but flavorfully it needs to be something like 12/3 to work. I’ve had it in my head for a bit, I was just intimidated by how fancy OPs are here

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No problem. :+1: